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{"available": "entirely", "availability": {"status": {"Recruiting Status 24/25":"RP 24/25","Recruiting Status 25/26":"RP 25/26","Recruiting Status 23/24":"RP 23/24"}, "dates": [{"name":"March 2024","month":"March","year":2024},{"name":"March 2025","month":"March","year":2025},{"name":"March 2023","month":"March","year":2023}]}}

Short course - Module: Digital Victimisation

In a short span of time, our society has experienced changes on a grand scale with regards to engagement and use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) and related digital tools. Victimisation and crime were also part of those changes. The unprecedented speed of developments requires that professionals whose roles address crime related harm, or those wanting to get into this important arena, develop a critical comprehension of ICT enabled and digitally perpetrated crimes and resulting victimisation. Interplays between human nature and digital ‘architectures’ heighten the ways in which we are all open to digital victimisation.

Module: Digital Victimisation cover image

Course Overview

The widespread adoption of communication and information technologies has accelerated many societal changes. Victimisation and crime are impacted by this digital revolution.

The increasing exposure and speed of technological innovation contribute to a range of emerging phenomena, challenging our interpretation of safeguarding and victimisation.

On this course you will...

  • This postgraduate module provides a basis to develop personal and professional practice regarding contextual safeguarding, risk reduction and criminogenic harms in the digital age

Course Structure

What you will learn

This module will enable you to engage with a range of recent and emerging phenomena, including forms of hate crime against vulnerable populations and digitally enabled interpersonal violence. With increased use by young people, many of our digital tools create unique safeguarding concerns, while the many ordinary objects & practices related to consumer convenience, exponentially increase our personal ‘attack spaces’ and susceptibility to commercial exploitation. Lack of transparency regarding the uses and misuses of the vast amounts of data gathered daily by ‘smart homes’, through self-datafication in fitness and wellbeing apps, and as a result of our social media use has the potential to create new and unprecedented harms.

Victimisation and crime online are dynamic and complex phenomena undergoing swift changes. There are legal and jurisdictional issues of digital victimisations, which also touch upon aspects of surveillance, human rights, and privacy expectations. This module will give you a basis from which to develop and respond to practice and policy requirements regarding contextual safeguarding and risk reduction, and criminogenic harms in the digital age.


Digital Victimisation

  • Digital Victimisation

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