UoC 10th Anniversary: Your story

UoC 10th Anniversary: Your story

UoC 10th Anniversary: Your story name

As we plan to celebrate our 10th anniversary we are looking to you, our alumni, to share your stories.

We are hoping to collect stories from a wide range of people with a link to the university or any of our campuses.  So that may be a member of staff, a current student, a member of the public, or of course a graduate who studied here.

We wish to hear from anyone who is willing to share. You don’t have to have graduated in the last 10 years, you might have graduated from St. Martin’s College, Charlotte Mason or Cumbria College of Art and Design. Perhaps you wish to reminisce about your student days, your time on campus, any friendships you made, perhaps you met a partner here, or your course helped you on your way to the career you have now, anything you wish to share then we would love to hear it.

Graduation November 2013 4, Graduation November 2013

Many of the stories will be filmed, to be included on our website and social media and shared. We would be delighted to hear form alumni who would be interested in sharing on camera too.

Whether you wish to simply fill in our form, or want to put yourself forward for a filming day, then do please get in touch,  email alumni@cumbria.ac.uk or telephone 01228 616391.

Details about all our 10th anniversary events will be available soon on our website, and we will keep you updated via email.

Download the 10th Anniversary Profile Form here.