Leanne Wind-Cowie - Velveteen Sunflower 3 - MA Show 2020 - MA Creative Practice

Leanne Wind-Cowie

Filmmaker & Installation Artist - Velveteen Sunflower Short Film

Leanne Wind MA Show 2020 Student Profile, A portrait photograph of Leanne Wind.

My Exhibition Piece

I'm exhibiting a film which seeks to question the nature of reality. Inspired by the anxiety that comes with uncertainty positioned in the domestic, my film queries expectation and perception. 

Art Medium of Preference 

I usually work with film and installation. Combining the physical properties of installation with the ephemeral quality of film allows the viewer multidimensional access to the work, which is a useful tool when attempting to convey the complexities of perception and reality.  

Why I Did a Master's Degree

I chose to do the MA following my BA as a stepping stone to eventually completing my PhD. I have also applied to do a PGCE course to allow me to pursue a career in teaching. It has been a challenging time to complete the Master's, however, the tutors have been supportive throughout and being forced to adapt under changing circumstances has been beneficial to my practice. It has been great to see how much my work has developed through the deeper research inherent of a Master's course. 

What Is Next for Me

To go into teaching further education. 

Contact Me


Email: windcowieleanne@gmail.com 

Velveteen Sunflower

The Film

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