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Let’s talk about the emotional demands of being a primary classteacher – and the implications for teacher educators

1st March 2017

TEAN, the Teacher Education Advancement Network, knows that you value debate with colleagues and benefit from the sharing of ideas. We continue our ‘Let’s talk about …’ series in 2016/17 with the intention of moving forward together towards more consistent (and effective) practice. These debates are intended for those involved in teacher education in HEIs, schools and all other organisations involved in teacher education.

This debate suggests:

Let’s talk about the emotional demands of being a primary classteacher – and the implications for teacher educators


Teacher, Education, Advancement and Network Logo

Why it’s a good idea to talk about this:

The emotional aspects of teaching, while central to the role, are not widely discussed and researched, especially in relation to primary education. As a result, early-career teachers are often not well prepared to meet the emotional demands. This day will consider what these demands are, why they are so important and how students and teachers can be helped to develop the qualities required to cope confidently with them.

TEAN is very pleased to welcome Dr Tony Eaude, Department of Education, University of Oxford to lead this. Previously a primary headteacher, he is the author of several books on primary education, including ‘How do expert primary classroom teachers really work? - a critical guide for teachers, headteachers and teacher educators’ published by Critical Publishing. He is currently working on a book on ‘Developing the expertise of primary classroom teachers’. More details of Tony’s work can be seen on

The outcomes of the day will be put together in a document for the TEAN website. This document will be sent to all delegates and presenters and shared with the TEAN community.

Date: Wednesday 1st March 2017

Venue: University of Cumbria, Lancaster campus, room TB11 (Temporary Building)

Directions to Campus - Scroll down for Lancaster campus

Draft programme:

10.00: Refreshments available

10.20: Welcome from TEAN – Alison Jackson

10.30: What are the emotional demands of teaching a class of primary age children? And the qualities required to cope with these?

11.00: Group discussions: sharing experiences, considering the ideas from the presentation

11.30: Why teaching a class of primary age children is so emotionally demanding – and possible implications for teachers and teacher educators

12.00: Group discussions: sharing experiences, considering the ideas from the presentation and identifying key issues

12.30: Lunch

13.30: Group discussions on key issues arising from the morning: Each small group will be asked to present their ideas later in the afternoon and to provide written bullet points to be posted on the TEAN website for the teacher education community, highlighting the implications for teacher educators both in in ITE and subsequently.

14.15: Refreshments

14.30: Group presentations

15.15: Concluding remarks

15.30: Close

Fee: £60

Book your place at the event by completing the online registration

Closing date for registrations: February 16th, 2017

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