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These resources were originally published on the ESCalate (The Higher Education Academy's Subject Centre for Education) website.

Permission is granted unless otherwise stated to copy and distribute ESCalate materials in an unaltered form only, for the purposes of teaching, research, private study, criticism and review, provided that the original author and publisher is acknowledged. 

ESCalate is currently undertaking a project intended to assist Schools, Faculties and Departments of Education in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK, to better understand and reflect the growing diversity that exists in educational policy and practice as a result of the devolution of political power.

The project is being directed by Professor Rosemary Deem, of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Bristol and the project team is made up of:

  • Professor Kevin J. Brehony, Froebel College, University of Surrey, Roehampton
  • Professor David Egan, School of Education, University of Wales Institute Cardiff
  • Mr. Ian Finlay, School of Education, University of Strathclyde
  • Ms Frances Hammond, Project Officer, University of Bristol.

The aims of the project are to:

  • Identify significant policy differences between the four countries;
  • explore the impact of these on the work of Schools, Faculties and Departments of Education in HEIs;
  • Establish how these differences are dealt with by teaching staff in their curricula;
  • Create a resource and intelligence network that will enable ESCalate to be able to better meet the future needs of its community in tackling this growing diversity and complexity.

The intended outcomes of the project are the:

  • Creation of a website, to include a database of experts and contacts within the broad educational constituency of each of the countries and key policy documentation;
  • Establishment of a support system within ESCalate, able to offer ongoing assistance to members of the Centre in relation to developments in this field
  • Dissemination of the findings of the project, through conferences held in each of the four countries.
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