Dr Luca Laudani
Name: Dr Luca Laudani
Highest qualification: PhD and MSc Movement Science
Job title: Lecturer in Biomechanics, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Job role: Researching, teaching assistance, Supervising students
Email: luca.laudani@cumbria.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0)1524 592869
Luca completed his MSc and PhD degrees in Movement Science. He was awarded the John Basmajian Student Investigator Award from the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology in 2006. His research involves neural control mechanisms underlying posture and movement and neuromuscular adaptations to exercise and rehabilitation interventions in young and old people as well as in injured or disabled populations.
See Luca's Google Scholar profile.
Academic interests
- Human movement
- Motor control
- Biomechanics
Recent external roles
- Collaborator with University of Cumbria for the AARG
- Exercise Physiologist at Villa Stuart Sport Clinic -FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence in Rome, Italy
Current projects
Relationship between head position, visual focus and balance during walking as a risk factor of falls in older age
Early anticipatory and compensatory postural adjustments following ACL reconstruction
Effects of whole-body vibration training on voluntary and reflex muscle activity
Selected outputs
Labanca L, Laudani L, Casabona A, Menotti F, Mariani PP, Macaluso A. Early compensatory and anticipatory postural adjustments following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2015 Jul;115(7):1441-51.
Laudani L, Giombini A, Mariani PP, Pigozzi F, Macaluso A (2014).Application of the sit-to-stand movement for the early assessment of functional deficits in patients who underwent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 93(3): 189-199.
Laudani L, Vannozzi G, Sawacha Z, Della Croce U, Cereatti A, Macaluso A (2013). Association between physical activity levels and physiological factors underlying mobility in young, middle-aged and older individuals living in a city district. PLoS ONE 8(9): e74227.
Laudani L, Wood L, Casabona A, Giuffrida R, De Vito G (2009).Effects of repeated ankle plantar-flexions on H-reflex and body sway during standing. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 19: 85-92.
Laudani L, Casabona A, Perciavalle V, Macaluso A. (2006). Control of head stability during gait initiation in young and older women. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 16: 603-610.
A full list of publications can be found on Google Scholar.