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{"available": "entirely", "availability": {"status": {"Recruiting Status 25/26":"RP 25/26","Recruiting Status 26/27":"RP 26/27","Recruiting Status 24/25":"RP 24/25"}, "dates": [{"name":"April 2025","month":"April","year":2025},{"name":"April 2026","month":"April","year":2026},{"name":"April 2024","month":"April","year":2024}]}}

Module - Management of Major Illness and Major Trauma (Level 6)

The module is set up to develop the learners knowledge of how to assess and treat minor injuries with current legislation; which then can be applied to the majority of minor conditions which they may come across within their professional capacity.

This will also encompass the background pathophysiology of the injury and illness they are addressing within the module, thus making their understanding of the presenting minor conditions in multiple perspectives to bridge the gap between practice and theory.

Apply - April

Management of Major Illness and Major Trauma (Level 6) cover image

Course Overview

Principles of trauma management. Assessment and management of traumatic: head injuries, skeletal injuries, spinal injuries, thoracic injuries, abdominal injuries, facial injuries wounds and burns. Breaking bad news and effective communication in emergency care settings. Legal, ethical and policy considerations. Inclusive of patient centred care at all times.

This module consists of all online distance learning and there are no face-to-face sessions or live webchats for this course. It does compromise of 6 threads which are date restricted and the work for each thread does have to be completed within these time frames. Thread 6 is a formative short assignment (750 words) which is actually one of the final assignments learning outcomes and there is a summative assignment at the end (3500 words) which is a case study on x1 Major Trauma and x1 Major Illness, with the assessment strategies for breaking bad news (BBN), BBN models and legal, ethical principles within this BBN remit.

The threads are run over 9 days and will commence when the module officially begins, and will continue through to thread 6. Thread 6 is due to be submitted approximately 6 weeks before the final summative assignment is due. Each thread covers/addresses different areas within the body.

There is no specific booklet that requires completing/signing off and no mentor is needed. The summative final assignment is based on two case studies: x1 Major Trauma and x1 Major Injury. Sections of this work will examine the assessment, guidelines used to facilitate treatment and the altered pathophysiology of the presenting case (what is going wrong and why at a cellular level).

On this course you will...

  • Develop skills that allow you to practice as a confident and competent clinician in the identification and management of minor illness and injury patient presentation.
  • Study online, with the ability to bring your own clinical practice into your learning environment alongside other healthcare professionals in their fields of practice.
  • Enhance your own clinical expertise and professional development from the comfort of wherever you like to study, at a time that suits you.
  • Be involved in a stimulating and challenging academic and scholarly environment for you to advance your academic and professional development.
Apply - April

Course Structure

What you will learn

The topics covered in this module include:
- Frameworks for triage and assessment strategies
- Current guidelines and national/local policies
- Legal, ethical and policy factors influencing first contact
- In-depth pathophysiology associated with these conditions
- Legal, ethical and policy considerations
- BBN communication
- BBN Models
- Patient centred care

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