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{"available": "entirely", "availability": {"status": {"Recruiting Status 24/25":"RP 24/25","Recruiting Status 25/26":"RP 25/26","Recruiting Status 23/22":"RP 23/22"}, "dates": []}}

Short course - Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

This course has been designed to provide participants with an understanding of how to manage stakeholder engagement and communications within the project environment.

The course will provide participants with a standard set of tools and techniques which will be explored during the course through a range of project and programme-based exercises.

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Stakeholder Engagement and Communication cover image

Course Overview

Delivered over two days and incorporating a range of interactive exercises, this course focuses on the critical role of stakeholder engagement and management throughout the project life cycle and equips participants with the tools to plan, implement and measure stakeholder engagement activities.

Participants will explore and apply techniques for identifying and analysing project stakeholders, defining engagement strategies, and using effective communication.

This Stakeholder Engagement and Communication course is available to all professionals working in a project or programme setting and can be delivered online or in-person.

On this course you will...

  • Describe how to identify stakeholders
  • Understand how to create and analyse stakeholder profiles
  • Utilise knowledge of stakeholder engagement strategy to plan stakeholder engagement activities
  • Utilise the tools and techniques for stakeholder engagement
  • Explain methods to measure the effectiveness of stakeholder activities and when it is necessary to escalate situations
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Course Structure

What you will learn

Delivered over two days, the course explores the following core topics:

Day one
  • Identifying and prioritising stakeholders’ requirements
  • Creating and analysing stakeholder profiles
  • Designing the stakeholder engagement strategy
  • Planning stakeholder engagement activities
Day two
  • Engaging and managing project stakeholders
  • Measuring stakeholder engagement effectiveness
  • When and how to manage escalation

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