Meet the staff

Photo of David Hepworth

David Hepworth

  • Senior Lecturer in Biological Sciences
  • Institute of Health
Photo of David Robert

David Robert

  • Lecturer
  • Institute of Education - Arts and Society
Photo of David Wright

David Wright

  • Lecturer in Applied Psychology / Working with Children and Families Cohort Lead Level 6 Applied Psychology
  • Institute of Health
 Dawn Ball

Dawn Ball

  • Senior Lecturer in Paramedic Apprenticeships (NWAS)
  • Institute of Health
Dr  Deani Van Pelt

Deani Van Pelt

  • Visiting Professor - Charlotte Mason Centenary Conference organiser

Deborah Terras

  • Senior Lecturer and Programme lead in Working with Children & Families and Children Young People's Health and Well Being
  • Institute of Health
Demos Parapanos

Demos Parapanos, PhD

  • Lecturer in Tourism Management
  • Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership
 Denise Brooks

Denise Brooks

  • Senior Lecturer in CPD-Acute and Critical Care | Department of Nursing, Health and Professional Practice  
  • Institute of Health