Lucy Hadley - Thrush Print - MA Show 2020 - MA Creative Practice

Lucy Hadley

Illustrator - 'Eyes Wide Ears Open' Picture Book

Lucy Hadley MA Show Student Profile, A person wearing an orange jacket and backpack looking through binoculars.

My Exhibition Piece

Eyes Wide Ears Open is my first picture book and the main piece of illustration work for this exhibition. 

I have been exploring ways in which to engage audiences in meaningful conversation about the natural world through my creative practice. I have always used my on-location sketchbooks as the starting point for my prints and further developed this practice to write and illustrate my first picture book.

Art Medium of Preference 

Choosing a favourite medium is a difficult question to answer. I love to experiment with modern technology and traditional techniques to create interesting and meaningful narratives.

Why I Did a Master's Degree

I chose to do the MA to further develop my creative practice. I wanted to explore narrative and add my voice to the ongoing conversations about our natural environment.

I studied the MA part-time over two years and really enjoyed both the theory and practical aspects. Through the course, I have developed greater depth in my understanding of environmental ethics and narratology and discovered a rewarding way to mix my thoughts with my on-location sketches.

What Is Next for Me

I plan to continue to develop and explore the use of picture books to add narrative to the visual worlds I create. I am also keen to further develop my online draw-along series, creating fun and informal films that have our natural world as the focus.

Contact Me

Eyes Wide Ears Open

Book Trailer

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