Q – Can I still use the careers service as a graduate?
A – Yes! We have a range of careers resources for you depending on how long ago you graduated.
Have you just graduated and feeling a bit lost career wise? Maybe you are looking to step up in your career journey? Perhaps you are looking to start your own business? Maybe you are thriving in your career and would love to hire some fellow alumni from your alma mater?
Wherever you are in your career journey, the Careers and Employability Service at the University of Cumbria are here to help...
Resources available if you graduated within the last three years:
My Career Enriched. Your career hub, you will find everything here from jobs listings, events, careers resources, 1-2-1 appointment bookings, details of careers fairs and more. Ensure you have registered for your graduate account.
Book an appointment. Do you have questions and need some advice about your career? Book a 1-2-1 appointment with a careers advisor. Book through My Career Enriched.
Get your CV/application checked. Drafting or refining your CV, completing a job application or applying for further study? Upload your CV/application through My Career Enriched to get feedback from the Careers Team.
Interview practice. Got shortlisted for your dream job and a bit daunted by the interview? You can have a practice run with our knowledgeable team. Book your appointment through My Career Enriched.
Resources available whenever you graduated:
Cumbria Network. Our mentoring and networking platform exclusively for University of Cumbria (and legacy) graduates. Find classmates, search jobs, chat and find a mentor here.
Attend an event. Watch out for a range of career events throughout the year open to alumni. From fairs to specific course sessions, we may have something that will help you on your career journey. Book through My Career Enriched.
Graduate resources. There are a wealth of resources available on our webpages available at all times to help you in your career. From CV and application advice, finding jobs, advice on further study, career planning, money and more.
Entrepreneurship. Considering setting up your own business? We have the resources for you and a specialist enterprise adviser who you can book an appointment with on My Career Enriched. Visit our pages to see information on accounting, funding, getting your business online, tax, business plans as well as interviews with entrepreneurial graduates and more.
Job listings. Get all the latest opportunities directly to your inbox every week. Sign up for email alerts through My Career Enriched.
Hire our graduates. Are you thriving in your career? Have you got your own business and looking for graduates from your alma mater? Perhaps the company you work for is hiring? We can help to advertise your vacancies. Find out more here.
Mentor fellow alumni. Do you want to give back with your skills and experiences to students and recent graduates? Register with Cumbria Network and set up your ‘willing to help’ flag so others know they can approach you.
Who can use our services?
- All full and part time undergraduate and postgraduate students registered and currently studying at the University of Cumbria and alumni within 3 years of graduation, including School Direct and Degree Apprenticeship programmes, have full access to services with a number of exceptions.
- Prospective students who have an offer of a place at the University of Cumbria can pre-register to search for part-time work, view upcoming events and speak to our team.
- Prospective and current students and recent alumni of franchised programmes, and those delivered by partners, are encouraged to seek advice and support from their college, but can access limited services including resources on My.Cumbria and opportunities and events on My Career Enriched.
- Student and graduates of other universities are encouraged to seek advice and support from their university or college but can access limited services including resources on My.Cumbria and opportunities and events on My Career Enriched.
- We do not offer a guidance service to individual members of staff.
If you fall outside of these groups or are not sure of your entitlement to use the service please email careers@cumbria.ac.uk. We will be happy to signpost you to appropriate support and advice services where possible.
Contact the Careers and Employability Service here:
Email: careers@cumbria.ac.uk
My Career Enriched: https://mycareerenriched.cumbria.ac.uk/
Find them on Cumbria Network: https://cumbrianetwork.global/
Webpages: https://www.cumbria.ac.uk/study/careers/