Deborah Terras
- Senior Lecturer and Programme lead in Working with Children & Families and Children Young People's Health and Well Being
- Institute of Health
- Social Science

- Email:
- Location: Lancaster
Current responsibility as programme leader of BA programmes, supporting the curriculum activities and student experiences across two programmes and two campus’. Personal Tutor for Level 6 students
Over 25 years extensive experience in strategic development of projects and organisations, current youth and community work practitioner, working alongside communities to co develop capacity and innovation, through training and social action.
Qualifications and memberships
MA Education in professional practice
IV Level four Assessor
PGC in Professional practice in education
PGCE in Education
BA Hons Youth and Community
Advanced Certificate in Practitioner Skills in the management of substance misuse
Fellow of Higher Education (FHEA)
Member of the Institute for Youth Work
Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) Professional Recognition
Member of The Professional Assocation of Lecturers in Youth and community work
Academic and research interests
Youth and community led social action, social mobility, equity and co design approaches.
Intersectionality within the realms of community asset based approaches.
MaCe Erasumus Project - Research project with Norway, Sweden and Denmark University, considering the experiences of young people in education and how the value of co-creation enables a critical understanding of practice and curriculum.
Marginalisation and Co-created Education (MaCe) project, which is a response to youth unemployment rates within the EU area and concerns regarding young people who are “Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)” Part of the co research team, working alongside colleagues from University of Cumbria, Norway and Denmark. You can find my contribution to the MaCe project in the Journal of Youth Voices in Education: Methods theory practice Fylde Coast Living Libraries, Seaside Story Telling within a pedagogy framework
Thorpe, D.T et al. (2021) Combatting Marginalisation by Co-Creating Education: Methods, Theories and Practices from the Perspectives of Young People. Bingley. Emerald Publishing Limited. Chapter 11 Educational Deprivation in Blackpool in the UK
Stuart, K., Terras, D., Allen, L., Bateman, C., Clinton, C., Franklin, L., Kinnersley, L., Linehan, S., Lucioni, L., Merrington, L., & Shaukat, A. (2021, March 12). Learning how to support national online youth led research. Social Publishers Foundation.
Recent external roles
Consultant Role working in with NYA and youth and community organisations
Trustee of Blackpool Pride
External IV for NYA and associated youth organisations
Consultancy projects with national, local and international youth organisations
NYA Consultant for national/international CPD and training
Peer co designed research with communities of practice
Strategic lead for development and delivery of co designed accredited training
Co-design of training materials and delivery to teams in the North West, South East and Midlands