Dr Billie McNeill, PhD
- Lecturer in Criminology
- Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership
- Social Science

- Email: billie.mcneill@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: 01228 279469 Ext: 5469
- Location: Carlisle - Fusehill Street
Prior to joining the University of Cumbria in 2021, I spent time in the policy area working within the Crime and Justice team within the National Centre for Social Research where I led and was involved in projects commissioned by bodies such as the Ministry of Justice and the Prison Reform Trust.
I have also worked as a lecturer in Criminology at both Leeds Beckett University, the University of Hull and Leeds City College. I have also taught at the University of Hong Kong.
I am involved in the design and delivery of under and postgraduate provision.
- Becoming a Criminologist
- Explaining Crime
- Victimology
- Social Exclusion
- Research and Practice
- Global Crime
Qualifications and memberships
PhD Sociology and Social Policy, University of Stirling 2012
MSc Applied Social Research, University of Stirling 2008
BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology, University of Stirling 2007
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, Leeds Beckett University, 2016
Senior Fellow - Advance HE (2023)
Academic and research interests
Commercial sex work
Participatory Action Research
Sociology of HIV/AIDS
Sociology of Tattooing and Body Modification
Deviance and Social Control
Class and inequality
Book chapters;
Lister, B., 2018, ‘The impact of criminalisation on indoor sex workers in England and Wales and the need for legislative change', in S. Fitzgerrald & K. Barry (eds.), Realising Justice for Sex Workers: An Agenda for Change, Global Political Economies of Gender & Sexuality, Policy Network, London.
Hubbard, P & Lister, B., 2014, ‘Sexual Entertainment, Dread Risks and The Heterosexualisation of Community Space', in P. Maginn & C. Steinmetz (eds.), (Sub) Urban SexScapes - Geographies and Regulation of the Sex Industries, Routledge, London.
Articles / book reviews;
Lister, B., 2015, 'Yeah, they’ve started to get a bit fucking cocky’… Culture, economic change and shifting power relations within the Scottish lap-dancing industry', Graduate Journal of Social Science 11(2), 38-54.
Lister, B., 2016 Triple Book Review: 'Prostitution Policy in the Nordic Region: Ambiguous Sympathies'.By M. Skilbrei & C. Holmstrom, 'Leaving Prostitution: Getting Out and Staying Out of Sex Work'. By S. Oselin, & Selling Sex: 'Experience, Advocacy and Research on Sex Work in Canada'. By E. van der Meulen, E. M. Durisn & V. Love, The British Journal of Criminology, 56 (1), 196–201
Lister, B., (2016) Book Review: 'Prostitution in the Community, Attitudes, Action and Resistance', The British Journal of Criminology, 56(3), 626–627
Lister, B., Graham., H, Egdell.,V, McQuaid., R & Raeside., R 'The impact of Welfare Reform in Scotland Tracking Study: Baseline Findings', The Scottish Government, April 2014
Graham, H., Lister., B, Egdell., V, McQuaid.,R & Raeside., R 'The impact of welfare reform in Scotland Tracking Study: Year 1 Findings', The Scottish Government, October 2014
Recent external roles
External Examiner: BA/FdA and Cert HE Criminology and Criminal Justice, Blackburn College
External Examiner: Professional Policing, University of Law
Member: Independent Monitoring Board, HMP Deerbolt