Emma Barton
- Senior lecturer in psychology. Programme lead for BSc (Hons) Psychology and BSc (Hons) Applied psychology.
- Institute of Health
- Social Science

- Email: emma.barton@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1228 242803
- Location: Carlisle - Fusehill Street
I have a strong interest in social developmental psychology and in research methods. I am currently working towards a PhD which focuses on experiences of receiving bereavement support - something which I became very interested in after volunteering with a local charity as a bereavement support worker.
I currently lead on the following modules:
- HLLP4001 - Introduction to research methods
- HLLP5010 - Social and community psychology
- HLLP6013 - Critical psychology
- HLLP6015 - Dissertation
- HLLP7061 - Environmental psychology
Qualifications and memberships
MBPsS with Chartered Psychologist (academic) status.
Member of BPS division of academic, researchers and teachers in psychology.
BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology
PgC Academic Practice
Academic and research interests
Developmental Psychology
Social Psychology
Research Methods
Grief and bereavement support
Taylor, J.C. & Barton, E. (2013). Social connectedness: A precursor to desistance for female offenders? Paper presented at BPS Annual Conference - Harrogate, April.
Bates, E. & Barton, E. (2014). Examining the impact of volunteering on student satisfaction, motivations and employability. HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Edinburgh.
Barton, Bates, E. A., & O’Donovan, R. (2019). “That extra sparkle”: students’ experiences of volunteering and the impact on satisfaction and employability in higher education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43(4), 453–466. https://doi.org/10.1080/0309877X.2017.1365827