Gerard McElhone
- Lecturer in Psychology
- Institute of Health
- Social Science

- Email:
- Tel: 01228 616356
- Location: Carlisle - Fusehill Street
Having spent a number of years working across Adult and Childrens services, and the Scotish Prison Service, I have always had an interest in many facets of offending behaviours; primarily though my interest has very much been directed by how we consider violence as a concern across society, and what we do to manage and support those whose lives are affected by violence in any form.
This interest led to Higher Education where I have had the oportunity to explore these factors, and continue to do so in my ongoing PhD research
Additionally I have current involvement in the development and delivery, in partnership between the University and HMP Haverigg, of the 'Learning Together' programme.
Qualifications and memberships
Currently studying for a PhD, researching Child to Parent Violence.
MSc Applied Forensic Psychology
BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology
Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society (MBPsS)
Register of Qualification in Test Use (RQTU)
Academic and research interests
Risk Assessment, Intervention Management and Design (under 18 yrs of age)
The aetiology of violence in childhood
The lifecourse of violent behaviours and offending
Higher Education across the prison estate
Mental health and wellbeing (under 18 yrs of age & offender populations)
Family and Childhood studies
The sociology of childhood
Forensic Psychology
McElhone, G. Wilson-Smith, K. & Rice, H. (2018). The efficacy of assessment measures for juvenile offender populations. Assessment & Development Matters, 10, (1). 6-9
McElhone, G. (2017). Child to Parent Violence: an analysis of the perceptions of perpetrator and victim gender when considering offending and victimisation. Journal of Applied Psychology and social Science, 3 (1), 52 -73
Conferences & Presentations
McElhone, G. (2019). Presenting Child to Parent Violence. Presentation for Safety-Net
McElhone, G. (2018). Child to Parent Violence (an overview). Domestic Violence Development Day for Cumbria Constabulary
McElhone, G. (2018). Considerations of Child to Parent Violence. Cumbria Family Justice Conference
Spurgeon-Dickson, A. & McElhone, G. (2018). 'My Life of Crime'. University of Cumbria, Learning and Teaching Festival
McElhone, G. (2018). Considerations of Child to Parent Violence. University of Cumbria, Hidden Victims of Interpersonl Violence Conference