Hayley Lee
- Lecturer in Medical Imaging
- Institute of Health

- Email: hayley.lee@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: 01228 279336
- Location: Lancaster
I qualified from the University of Cumbria with a BSc (Hons) Degree in Diagnostic Radiography in 2010.
My first post as a Diagnostic radiographer was travelling across the country working on the mobile MRI and CT vans for Ramsay Healthcare. In 2011 I attended MRI in Practice - the course, run by Ctaherine Westbrook. Early 2012 I attended a course run by Phoenix Health & Safety and gained an IOSH qualification in Managing safely, then becoming the lead for Health & Safety across all mobile units in the North West. In 2012 I began my PgC in Medical Imaging - Magnetic Resonance Imaging at The University of Cumbria. In 2013 I attended a course run by The Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust to become trained in Cardiac CT.
In 2014 I went to work for UKBiobank, a research company based in Manchester as a Supervisor in the medical imaging clinic. The UKBiobank imaging project aimed to collect brain, heart and abdomen MRI scans from 100,000 participants, as well as ultrasound of the carotid arteries and bone density measurements from DEXA scans. When I first arrived at UKBiobank the imaging department was not set up so my job was to work with the manager to write protocols, policies and procedures, recruit and train additional staff members, work with Siemens to set up imaging protocols on the scanners and make sure everything was in pace for the first participants to arrive. Whilst working here I attended courses enabling me to confidently carry out functional MRI neuro imaging, Cardiac MRI imaging, Ultrasound of the carotid ateries, DEXA scans, as well as supervising the staff and providing day to day management of the department.
In 2014 I was awarded my Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Imaging (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) from the University of Cumbria. At this time I also qualified in Identification and Reporting of Intra Ocular foreign body (IOFB) for the MRI screening process.
In 2016 I went to work as the lead MRI radiograher for The Christie NHS Foundation Trust in Manchester. The MRI department was in the process of developing a new MRI department when I arrived so my first job was to help set up the department working with managers, builders, applications specialists to develop and build the new MRI department. Once opened I was responsibile for staff training in the new department, including applications training and the day to day management and running of the MRI department.
In 2018 I was promoted within the Christie Trust to Operational & Educational Principal Radiographer where I was responsibile for the Operational management of the whole Radiology department which comprised of Plain Film x-ray, theatres, CT, MRI, Interventional and Ultrasound. I lead on the edcational and role development requirements for radographers and other non-medical departmental staff. During this role I set up the first Assistant practitioner in radiology role within the department, which was a success. I also introduced band 5 to band 6 preceptorships within the department which had never before existed.
Qualifications and memberships
PgDip Medical Imaging (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
PgCert Medical Imaging (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography
ISOH Managing Safely
HCPC registered Diagnostic Radiographer
Member of the Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR)