Dr Ian Corrie, DProf
- Associate Professor (Leadership & Innovation)
- Institute of Health
- Health and Society Knowledge Exchange (HASKE)
- Health and Wellbeing

- Email: ian.corrie@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1524 590800
- Mobile: 07973687236
- Location: Lancaster
Current projects include:
- Transformative Coaching
- Health and Wellbeing Coaching
- Leadership and Behavioural change
- Disruptive Pedagogy
- Transformative Learning
- Military & NHS Leadership
- Veterans Transitioning into Health Care workforce
- MOD Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS)
Qualifications and memberships
PgDip (Merit) Personnel Management & Development
PgDip Leading Sustainable Communities
BA (Hons) Business Management
HND Business Studies
CMI Level 5 Management Coaching and Mentoring
MBTI Pratitioner
MBTI Coaching Practitioner
Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development - FCIPD
Fellow of the Institute of Leadership & Management - FInstLM
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts - FRSA
Member Institute for Collaborative Working - ICW
Member of the International Transformative Learning Association - ITLA
Member of the Henley Centre for Coaching
Professional member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council - EMCC
Academic and research interests
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Transformative Learning
- Transformative Leadership
- Reflective and Reflexive Practice
- Neuroscience in decision making and behaviour
- Behavioural change
- Organisational behaviour
- Disruptive Pedagogy
- Social Equality
- Social Justice
Research supervision
NIHR 'Link and Learn' MentorLoop mentor
Theme lead (shared) in Centre for Research in Health and Society (CRiHS)
Visiting Professor of Applied Transformative Learning at the University of Sunderland
PhD Supervisor
- Corrie, I & McCann, S, (2024) Facilitating Good Trouble: A Model for Engendering Perspective Transformation, International Transformative Learning Conference, Sienna, Italy, 1th-13th September 2024.
- Corrie, I & Pope, S, (2024) How Transformative Learning can Create the Conditions for Perspective Transformation in a UK Defence Healthcare Setting, International Transformative Learning Conference, Sienna, Italy, 11th -13th September 2024.
- Peebles, K, Willman, A, Lithgow-Smith, K, Corrie, I, (2024) Burnout in Salaried GPs: is it just about workload, BMJ (in press).
- Corrie, I (2024) Transformative Learning and Critical Self-reflection applied to Defence Medical Leadership, NHS Dental Supervisors Conference, Leeds, UK.
- Corrie, I & Barclay, J (2024) Transformative Learning and Critical Sef Reflection applied to Defence Medical Leadership, 2nd Medical Brigade, Strensall, York, 23rd March.
- Corrie, I & Pope, S (2023) Defence Medical Leadership Conference: Changing Behaviours;How Can Transformative Learning Make a Difference, 5-6th September, University of Cumbria, Lancaster.
- McCann, S & Corrie, I (2023) Engendering Perspective Transformation: a Model for Designing Programs and Facilitating Transformative Learning. in 1st Conference of the ESREA Transformative and Emancipatory Adult Education Network, 5-7 July 2023, Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece.
- Bates, D, Patternnosto, A & Corrie, I (2023) Advances in Medical Countermeasuresand Lessons from Mainstream Medicine in: NCT Europe 2023: Defence Technology, 24-26th May, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
- Corrie, I (2023) - Command Board Leadership Conference:Leadership with a Difference, Transformative Learning and Critical Self-reflection Applied to Defence Medical Leadership, Army Medical Sercies Training Centre, Strensall, York, UK, February 10th 2023.
- Corrie, I & Rowland, T (2023) in Marsick, V & Watkins, K,Rethinking Workplace Learning and Development, Elgar, UK, Pg. 119-122.
- Corrie, I & Pope, S (2022) Defence Leadership Conference: Future Leaders Conference; Transformative Learning in DMS; a students perspective, 5th-7th September, University of Cumbria.
- Hayes, C & Corrie, I (2022) Interdisciplinary Doctoral Educationand Strategic Management in Crisis:Harnessing Agency with Praxis, IGI Global.
- Bates, D & Corrie, I (2022) 'Examination of Online Transformative Learning',Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence Proceedings (2021) NATO CMDR COE:pp.25-43.
- Hayes, C & Corrie, I (2022) Debating Applied Transformation via Translational Research: Evidencing Impact in Practice-based Research, International Transformative Learning Conference, April 6th-9th 2022.
- Hayes, C & Corrie, I, (2022) Interdisciplinary Doctoral Education and Strategic Management in Crisis:Harnessing Agency with Praxis, in the Handbook of Research on Activating Middle Executives' Agency to Lead and Manage During Times of Crisis. IGI Global.
- Fell, S & Corrie, I (2022) The Use of Specialist Paramedic Led Dispatch of Specialist Resources in Emergency Ambulance Control, Journal of Paramedic Practice. Vol14. Issue4.
- Hayes, C & Corrie, I (2022) Interdisciplinary Professional Doctoral Education: Translational Research in Allied Health. IGI Global.
- Corrie, I, Cunliff, E & Hayes, C (2021) Acknowledging Emotive Response and Epistemic Positionality: Disruptive Transformative Pedagogy Amidst a Global Pandemic, Journal of Transformative Learning. Vol.8 No.1, pp. 46-51.
- Corrie, I, & Hayes, C (2021) ‘Tripartite Innovation as a Bridge to Transformation:UK Military Medical Services and University Credit Transfer Systems’, in Turnbull, W, & Woolf, H, Widening Access to Higher Education in the UK: Developments and Approaches Using Credit Accumulation and Transfer, Open University Press (in press).
- Hayes, C, Corrie, I & Rowland, T (2021) Driving insights via processes of socioemotional being and becoming. In Effective Strategies for Communicating Insights in Business. IGI Global, pp.190-206.
- Hayes,C, Crane-Kramer, G, Corrie, I & Graham, Y (2021) 'Characteristic and Agentic Qualities of Women Leaders amidst Global Crises: Lessons for Higher Education, in Schnackenberg, HL and Simard, in Women and Leadership in Higher Education During Global Crises, IGI Global.
- Hayes, C & Corrie, I (2021) 'Epistemologies of Internationalisation: Framing Cultural Positionality for Higher Education, in Lock, D., Caputo, A., and Hack-Polay, D. (Eds) 'Borderlands:The Internationalisation of Higher Education Teaching Practices', Springer.
- Hayes, C, Corrie, I & Graham, Y, (2020) 'Emotional Labour amidst Covid 19:Focus on Paramedic Practice, Journal of Paramedic Practice.
- Hayes, C, Corrie, I, (2020) 'Driving Insights via Processes of Sociemotional Being and Becoming', IG I Global Productions.
- Corrie, I, Lawson, R and Rowland, T (2019) Transformative Action Learning and Coaching in Healthcare Leadership, Journal of Transformative Learning. Vol.6 No.2, pp, 39-51. Published 2020.
- Hayes, C, Corrie, I, (2020) 'Learner Centred Pedagogy - Framing Authentic Identity and Positionality in Higher Education, for IGI Global Productions
- Corrie, I, Lawson, R and Robinson, P (2019) Transformative Learning in Practice: a students perspective. Learning & Teaching Fest 3rd July 2019, University of Cumbria, Carlisle.
- Corrie, I and Ralph, S, (2019), Using articulation for the Army pre-hospital emergency care Cert HE and Army Uplift contract - Building bridges with credit, NUCCAT Conference, University of Cumbria, 28th July 2019.
- 2019 - Transformative Coaching - Face-to-Face, Blended, and Online in an Industrial Context, University of Central Oklahoma Transformative Learning Conference, Corrie, I & Benson, J.
- 2019 - Transformative Learning applied to Leadership and Behavioural change in Engineering, Military and Healthcare in the UK, University of Central Oklahoma Transformative Learning Conference, Corrie, I & Cunliff, E.
- 2019- Journal of Paramedic Practice, "Leadership in Training a Q&A with Ian Corrie", Vol 11, No2.
- 2018-"Can Transformative coaching develop reflective practice in coachee's and have an impact on their communities of practice? "ITLC Columbia University NY, Corrie, I & Cunliff, E.
- 2018-"On-line transformative community learning platform: enhancing individual and collective learning for engineering graduates as they transition from higher education into the workplace" ITLC Columbia University NY, Benson, J & Corrie, I.
- 2018-Army Medical Services Junior Leadership Forum Shrivenham - Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Corrie, I & Harrington, R.
- 2018 -The application of Transformative Learning theory to Coaching and mentoring (Cumbria Research and Innovation 2018 Conference), Corrie, I & Lawson, R.
- 2018 -Critically reflecting on Transformative Coaching; A research presentation, (10th Annual Conference on Transformative Learning, University of Central Oklahoma, March 8th-9th 2018), Corrie,I & Cunliff,E.
- Corrie, I & Lawson, R, (2017)- Transformative executive coaching: considerations for an expanding field of research. Journal of Transformative Learning (JoTL), 4 (1). pp.50-59.
- 2016 - Transformative Coaching for Emotional Resilience in Healthcare Professionals, (12th International Conference for Transformative Learning, Tacoma, Washington State)
- 2015 - University of Cumbria Teaching and Learning Conference, "ILM Professional Qualifications for CPD", Corrie, I & Harrington, R.
- 2012 – NeTNEP - Baltimore International Nursing Education Conference - Collaboration innovation and change - an e-learning approach to prescribing education in the United Kingdom Corrie, I, Sandiford J, Sherrington S, Warburton P (2012)
Recent external roles
Visiting Professor of Applied Transformative Learning at the University of Sunderland.
Journal of Transformative Learning, reviewer.
European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) Special Advisor.
Visiting Lecturer to Ecole De Militaire, Paris France.
Visiting Lecturer to University of Central Oklahoma.
Honorary Colonel 335 Medical Evacuation Regiment, 2nd Medical Brigade.
External Examiner D Prof, Bolton University.