Dr Jamie Mcphie, PhD
- Associate Professor of Environmental Humanities and Social Science; Course Leader MA Outdoor and Experiential Learning
- Institute of Science and Environment
- Centre for National Parks and Protected Areas (CNPPA), Learning, Education & Development Research Centre, Mental Health Research Group
- Outdoor Studies

- Email: jamie.mcphie@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1539 430307
- Location: Ambleside
I am an associate professor in Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences and the course leader for the MA Outdoor and Experiential Learning degree, having previously been lecturer for cultural landscapes and aesthetics in the outdoors here at the University of Cumbria.
I enjoy walking and talking as part of a radical mobile classroom, exploring all environments as a means to generate pragmatic discussions for social and environmental equity. As a former performance artist, I have combined my interests in art and eco-philosophy to influence a more creative approach to outdoor and environmental education, research, mental health and wellbeing, therapeutic landscapes and environmental aesthetics. More specifically, I am interested in how mental health and well-being is distributed in the environment - politically, socially and ecologically - and enjoy exploring novel and equitable ways to perform (post-qualitative) research in a variety of communities.
I am interested in writing and reading about philosophies of immanence, speculative fiction, new science of the mind/externalism, feminist new materialisms, contemporary animism, post-qualitative inquiry, posthumanism and psychogeography.
In 2017 I completed a post-qualitative PhD on 'Mapping the Spread Mind in Environ(Mental) Health' using Psychogeography and Rhizoanalysis as (re)search tools and in 2019 I published the book, Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Anthropocene: A Posthuman Inquiry.
- ‘Lecturer of the Year’ award 2018, University of Cumbria.
- Award for 'Excellence in Facilitating and Empowering Learning' 2011 University of Brighton.
- Nominated for the ‘most creative lecturer’ award 2016, University of Cumbria.
Qualifications and memberships
- PhD in Environmental Humanities & Social Science
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (recognition reference number: PR109061)
- PGCE in Post Compulsory Education
- First Class Honours Degree in Adventure Education
- British Mountaineering Council (BMC) member
- Canadian Association of Ski Instructors (CASI) member
- Development Education Association (DEA) member
- Environmental and Sustainability Education Research (ESER) member
- Institute of Outdoor Learning (IOL) member
- Outdoor and Adventure Therapy special interest group (OATSIG) (IOL) member
- Nature Connections Research Network (NCRN) member
- Homes for Ulverston Community Land Trust (H4US) founding member
- Health Champion for the UoC
Academic and research interests
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Therapeutic Landscapes
- Outdoor, Environmental & Experiential Education
- Queer Ecology, Posthuman Ecology, Flat Ecology, Social Ecology
- Ecofascism
- Process-relational philosophies
- Contemporary animism
- Feminist new materialisms
- Theory of Mind/externalism
- Environmental philosophy, ethics & art
- Post-qualitative inquiry
- Posthumanism
- Psychogeography
- Continental philosophy (esp. Deleuze & Guattari)
- The ecological performativity of concepts
- Arts-based research
- Verbatim Theatre & Ethnodramas for environmental/social health & wellbeing
Research supervision
Phd Supervision
- 1st supervisor for Harriet Fraser: Rethinking Agency and Action in Environmental and Landscape Change: Art Practice as a tool for critical enquiry in protected landscapes. (current)
- 1st supervisor for Christophe Place: Virtuous Money: Rethinking Money for its integral (r)evolution (current)
- 2nd supervisor for Joanna Stanberry: Vitol Pivot for Reflexivity: Reframing Leadership (current)
- 1st supervisor for Sonia Hutchison: How can I improve my practice if I am (always in a process of becoming) my practice? My post-living-theory of caring-with-mutuality. A question of being and becoming (completed)
- 1st supervisor for Mark Christie (Ph.D. by Published Works): ‘Digging Deep’ (for answers): how specific forms of green exercise contribute to positive outcomes for individuals, groups, and communities (completed)
- 2nd supervisor for Jo Chaffer: 'Containment - a central practice of leadership and leadership development' (completed)
Clarke, D. A. G. & Mcphie, J. (Eds.) (2023) New Materialisms and Environmental Education. Oxon, UK & New York, USA: Routledge.
Mcphie, J. (2019). Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Anthropocene: A Posthuman Inquiry. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
Book Chapters:
Mcphie, J. & Clarke, D. A. G. (2025) Distributed Assemblages of Cognition and Health (Or) How TikTok ate my Mind. In C. P. Boyd, S. L. Bell, L. E. Boyle, J. Evans, R. Foley, E. Högström, A. Paul (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Spaces of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Oxon, UK & New York, USA: Routledge.
Mcphie, J., and Clarke, D. A. G. (2023) Nature matters: diffracting a keystone concept of environmental education research – just for kicks. In D. A. G. Clarke & J. Mcphie (Eds.) New materialisms and environmental education. Oxon, UK & New York, USA: Routledge.
Clarke, D. A. G. & Mcphie, J. (2023) Introduction. In D. A. G. Clarke & J. Mcphie (Eds.) New materialisms and environmental education. Oxon, UK & New York, USA: Routledge.
Clarke, D. A. G. & Mcphie, J. (2023) Preface. In D. A. G. Clarke & J. Mcphie (Eds.) New materialisms and environmental education. Oxon, UK & New York, USA: Routledge.
Mcphie, J. (2023) Nazi Werewolves from Outer Space: Posthuman-wolf-multiplicities and their (mis)appropriations. In I. Convery, E. van Maanen, O. Nevin & P. Davis (Eds.), The Wolf: Culture, Nature, Heritage. UK & US: Boydell & Brewer Ltd.
Kraftl, P., McKenzie, M., Gulson, K., Accioly, I., Blackmore, J., Burke, C., Carlo, P., Clarke, D.A.G., Daniels, H., Fregoso Bailon, R.O.,Goodyear, V., Goodyear, P., Gunasekara, I., Hartong, S., Hickman Dunne, J., Howard. S., Lupinacci, J., Mcphie, J., Mannion, G., Meyer, M.A., Nemorin, S., Nxumalo, F., Parnell, R., Pykett, J., Ratuio, P., Sefton Green, J., Selwyn, N., Stovall, D., Southgate, E., Talbert, R., Teelucksingh, C., Tucker, R., Uduku, O., Wilson, A. and Wood, A. (2022). ‘Learning spaces: built, natural and digital considerations for learning and learners’ in Bugden, S. and Borst, G. (eds.) Education and the learning experience in Reimagining education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment [Duraiappah, A.K., Atteveldt, N.M. van et al. (eds.)]. New Delhi: UNESCO MGIEP.
Mcphie, J. and Clarke, D.A.G. (2021). Human-Nature Relationships: Navigating a Privileged White Landscape. In: Thomas, G., Dyment, J., Prince, H. (eds) Outdoor Environmental Education in Higher Education. International Explorations in Outdoor and Environmental Education, vol 9. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75980-3\_4
Mcphie, J. and Clarke, D.A.G. (2019) Post-qualitative inquiry in Outdoor Studies: A radical non-methodology. In, B. Humberstone & H. Prince (Eds.) Research Methods in Outdoor Studies. Oxon, UK & New York, USA: Routledge
Mcphie, J. and Eldridge-Butler, T. (2021) Slam Poetry, Giant Specs and a Psychogeography Monopoly Board: Progressive Directions for Outdoor Facilitation. In, Palmer, C. (Ed.) Arts-Based Learning in Outdoor Education. Sport and Welling Press: Preston, UK.
Mcphie, J. and Clarke, D.A.G. (2019) A walk in the park: Considering practice for outdoor environmental education through an immanent take on the material turn, in J. Ringrose, K. Warfield and S. Zarabadi (Eds.) Feminist Posthumanisms, New Materialisms and Education, pp. 148-168. Oxon, UK & New York, USA: Routledge.
Mcphie, J. (2017) Embodied walls and extended skins: Exploring the distribution of mental health through tataus and graffiti. In S. H. Awad & B. Wagoner (Eds.) Street Art of Resistance, pp. 223-250. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Mcphie, J. (2015) Place, Perception and Placebo: The Healing Power of Nature. In Norton, C. L., Carpenter, C. & Pryor, A. (Eds.) Adventure Therapy around the Globe: International Perspectives and Diverse Approaches, Champaign, Illinois, USA: Common Ground Publishing, pp. 552-570.
Mcphie, J. (2015) A Last Wolf in England: The Wolf’s Tale. Dark Mountain 7, 223-230.
Book Reviews:
Mcphie, J. (2020): Speculative fabulations in the ruins of colonial topographies: a (messy) review of ‘developing place-responsive pedagogy in outdoor environmental education: a rhizomatic curriculum autobiography’, Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, DOI: 10.1080/14729679.2020.1819833
Mcphie, J. (2014) Review of Controversial Issues in Adventure Programming, ed. by B. Martin and M. Wagstaff, Reviewed in: Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learnig, 14(3).
Peer reviewed Journal Articles:
Jukes, S., Clarke, D.A.G. and Mcphie, J. (2021). The wisp of an outline ≈ Storying ontology as environmental inquiry↔education :–) Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 1–17. doi:10.1017/aee.2021.31
Clarke, D. A. G. & Mcphie, J. (2020) New materialisms and environmental education: editorial, Environmental Education Research, 26:9-10, 1255-1265, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2020.1828290
Clarke, D. A. G. & Mcphie, J. (2020) Tensions, knots, and lines of flight: themes and directions of travel for new materialisms and environmental education, Environmental Education Research, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2020.1825631
Mcphie, J. (2018) I knock at the stone’s front door: Performative pedagogies beyond the human story. Parallax, 24(3):306-323.
Mcphie, J., and Clarke, D. A. G. (2018). Nature matters: diffracting a keystone concept of environmental education research – just for kicks. Environmental Education Research. Published online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2018.1531387
Mcphie, J. and Clarke, D.A.G. (2015) A walk in the park: Considering practice for outdoor environmental education through an immanent take on the material turn. Journal of Environmental Education, 46(4), 230-250.
Clarke, D.A.G. and Mcphie, J. (2015) From Places to Paths: Learning for sustainability, teacher education and a philosophy of becoming. Environmental Education Research. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2015.1057554
Clarke, D.A.G. and Mcphie, J. (2014) Becoming Animate in Education: Immanent Materiality and Outdoor Learning for Sustainability. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 14(3), 198-216.
Mcphie, J. (2014) Mr Messy and the Ghost in the Machine: A Tale of Becoming…a Working-Class Academic (Researching Environ(Mental) Health). Rhizomes.net, 27.
Other Journal Articles:
Blackmore, A., Chaney, E., Hall, J., Kelly, D. & Mcphie, J. (2020) Softdrive: The 2019-20 Artspace Project on Mediators of Communal Memory. Artspace, ISBN 978-1-83853-910-8
Mcphie, J. (2016) Walking in Circles. EarthLines, 15, 49-51.
Guest Editing:
Clarke, D.A.G. and Mcphie, J. (2020) Double Special Issue of Environmental Education Research: New Materialisms and Environmental Education. Access: https://newmaterialismseer.wixsite.com/newmaterialismseer1
Conference Presentations:
Fraser, H. and Mcphie, J. (2024). Watershed Intraplay: Thinking about change and agential assemblages, with place, art and people. Paper presented at the Research Now Conference, University of Cumbria, 9th July, 2024, Lancaster.
Clarke, D.A.G. and Mcphie, J. (2023). Perturbing the Theory/Practice Divide in Environmental Education Research to Arrive at Situations Thinking, Paper presented at the Environmental and Sustainability Education Research (ESER) Symposium, 22nd – 25th August, 2023, Glasgow.
Mcphie, J. and Clarke, D.A.G. (2023). The Ideological Susceptibility of ‘Nature’: How Common-sense Notions of ‘Nature’ are Open to Far-right Capture in Informal Environmental Education. Environmental Education and the Ecofascism Problem, American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference Thursday, April 13 – Monday, April 17, 2023, Chicago.
Mcphie, J. (2022). Unpacking the aesthetics of landscape perception: Walking pedagogy excursion to Rydal Hall. 9th International Outdoor Education Research Conference (IOERC) Monday 18th – Friday 22nd July 2022, Ambleside Campus, University of Cumbria, Ambleside, UK.
Mcphie, J., Clarke, David A.G., and Fenton, L. (2021). The Ecology of Language: Concept Conservation and Control in a World of ‘Climate Catastrophe’. Paper presented at the RGS-IBG annual international conference, RGS London, 31th August – 3rd Sept., 2021.
Mcphie, J., Richardson, T., Bridger, A., Cole, S., Butler-Eldridge, T. (2019) Definitions, Debates & Directions for Contemporary Psychogeography. The 4th world congress of Psychogeography, 6th 7th & 8th September 2019, Huddersfield University.
Mcphie, J. (2019) Ethnodrama as Rhizomatic Inquiry. Paper presented at 3rd European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry: Qualitative Inquiry as Activism, 13-15 February, 2019, Edinburgh University, Scotland.
Mcphie, J. and Eldridge-Butler, T. (2018) The Psychogeography Monopoly Game. The fourth world congress of psychogeography – 7th-8th September 2018 - Huddersfield & the Colne Valley.
Mcphie, J., Cooper, A. and Chaffer, J. (2018) Spaces of fear and the comfort of denial: Environ(mental) (dis)comfort through a multicultural lens. Paper presented at the RGS annual international conference, Cardiff University, 28th-31st August, 2018.
Dykes, N. and Mcphie, J. (2015) ‘Adventures in Unknown Places without Maps: Implications for Outdoor Education, Experiential Education and Environmental Awareness’. Paper presented at Sheffield Hallam University ‘International Adventure’ conference, Sheffield, England, 9-11 September.
Mcphie, J., Wingfield-Hayes, G. and Hebbourn, K. (2015) Stories from the wolf town: community facilitation for sustainability and wellbeing. Paper presented at University of Cumbria & Brathay Trust ‘Leading Wellbeing’ Conference, Ambleside, Cumbria, 16-18 July.
Mcphie, J. (2015) ‘We're all really smart and we shop but we don't know how to do anything.’ (LaDuke, 2014). Psychogeography session presented at University of Edinburgh ‘Emotional Geographies’ conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 10-12 June.
Mcphie, J. and Clarke, D. A. G. (2014) ‘A walk in the park: Considering practice for environmental education through an immanent take on the ‘material turn’’. Paper presented at Under Western Skies Conference, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 9-12 September.
Mcphie, J. (2014) ‘Walking in Circles? Exploring Environ(mental) Health Creatively’. Paper presented at Under Western Skies Conference, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 9-12 September.
Mcphie, J. (2014) ‘Rhizoanalysis, Playwriting and Tattoos: Novel techniques for research analysis’. Paper presented at the Doctoral Colloquium, University of Cumbria, Lancaster, 10 July.
Mcphie, J. (2014) ‘Disempowerment and Wellness in the West: Are Our Decisions Being Made For Us Really Being Made ‘For Us’?’. Paper presented at University of Cumbria & Brathay Trust Wellbeing Conference, Ambleside, Cumbria, 17 June.
Mcphie, J. (2013) ‘Distributed Well-being: Creativity in Therapeutic Environments’. Paper presented at University of Cumbria & Brathay Trust Wellbeing Conference, Ambleside, Cumbria, 24 July.
Mcphie, J. (2013) ‘Mr Messy Versus the Ghost in the Machine: A Transitional Approach to Methodology in Health Research’. Paper presented at Cumbria Research and Enterprise Conference, University of Cumbria, Lancaster, 5 July.
Mcphie, J. (2012) ‘Place, Perception and Placebo: The Healing Power of Natures’. Paper presented at the 6th International Adventure Therapy Conference, Hrubá Skála Castle, Czech Republic, 26-29 September.
Mcphie, J. (2012) ‘The Health Benefits of Socio-Cultural Constructions of Nature: The Relationship between Green Space and Mental Health’. Paper presented at the IOL Therapeutic Outdoor Practitioners Special Interest Group, Blue Peris Mountain Centre, Snowdonia, Wales, 6-8 January.
Mcphie, J. (2011) ‘Green space and mental health: The case for an embodied placebo effect’. Paper presented at the Doctoral Colloquium, University of Cumbria, Lancaster, 05 July.
Mcphie, J. and Dykes, N. (2018) ‘Prismatic Ecologies’. Keynote paper performed at the 6th conference on Outdoor and Adventure in Treuchtlingen, Bavaria, Germany, 20-21 February.
Dykes, N. and Mcphie, J. (2016) ‘The Wasp, the Cave and the Lamppost’. Keynote paper presented at Tralee Institute of Technology ATRA conference, Tralee, Ireland, 18-21 October.
Guest Speaking
Invited Speaker: Jukes, S., Clarke, D.A.G. and Mcphie, J. (2022). AJEE Research Symposium 26th October 2022. The wisp of an outline ≈ Storying ontology as environmental inquiry↔education :–) Australian Journal of Environmental Education.
Loynes, C. and Mcphie, J. (2020) Swallows and Amazons and the changing place of adventure in society. In: Negotiating a Cultural Landscape: Writers and Artists in the Lakes, 6 January 2020, University of Cumbria, Ambleside, UK.
Mcphie, J. (2019) Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Anthropocene. Brierlow Bar Bookshop, Buxton, Derbyshire
Mcphie, J. and Clarke, D.A.G. (2019). The Environmental Arts Collaboratory: Shifting atmospheres, pedagogies, and temporalities. January 22nd 2019, 10-5pm, Biosocial Research Lab, Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Mcphie, J. and Clarke, D.A.G. (2016). ESER Summer School I: Doctoral studies in environmental and sustainability education: contextualizing the process. European Educational Research Association and Homerton College. University of Cambridge – August 2nd to August 5th at Homerton College, Cambridge.
Mcphie, J. (2016). Outdoor Environmental Education Research PhD Seminar, Edinburgh University – 13-15th April, 2016 –Broomlee Centre, West Linton, Scottish Borders.
Mcphie, J. (2016). Leading Wellbeing: from theory to practice, UoC & IFLAS, Brathay. 9-10th April, 2016.
Mcphie, J. (2014) 'Access v Environment: Where do you draw the line? There is no line!' Keynote paper presented at University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire, 12 February.
Mcphie, J. (2013) Windermere reflections evening talk: 'A Scientist, a Ghost and an Environmentalist walk into a pub…'. Presentation at Esquires, Ambleside, Cumbria, 19 November.
Mcphie, J. (2007) 'Global Citizenship - Incorporating environmental & ethical literacy into FE Colleges' Presented at University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, Hants., 27 February
PhD Thesis
Mcphie, J. (2017). The Accidental Death of Mr. Happy: A Post-Qualitative Rhizoanalysis of Mental Health and Wellbeing (Awarded 2017)
Recent external roles
External Examining
External Examiner for Canterbury Christ Church University - BSc Human Development (Mind Body and Spirit), 2019 - 2023
PhD Opponent, University of Oulu, Finland, 2023
PhD External Examiner for viva, University of Central Lancashire, 2019
MSc by Research External Examiner, Edinburgh University, 2019
External Advisor for course validations at:
Exeter College, Plymouth Marjon University - Foundation Degree in Applied Outdoor Adventure
Middlesbrough College, Teeside University - FdA Adventure Sports Leadership
Hugh Baird College, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) – BA (Hons) Outdoor Leadership/BA (Hons) Outdoor Adventure Leadership (Event ID 2742)