Joel Daanyaya
- Lecturer in Adult Nursing
- Institute of Health
- Health and Wellbeing

- Email:
- Tel: 01228242776
- Location: Carlisle - Fusehill Street
Joel had his nursing education in Ghana at the University of Cape Coast where he graduated with a First Class Honours in BSc Nursing in 2012. He worked as a nurse and nurse tutor in a deprived community in the northern part of Ghana. In 2014, he was awarded the prestigious Commonwealth Shared Scholarship to pursue a postgraduate degree at Cardiff University, Wales where he successfully graduated with an MSc in Advanced Practice. Subsequently, he undertook the overseas nursing examination with the NMC, UK and gained registration with the NMC UK as a registered general nurse. His clinical background has been in medical and surgical nursing and care of older people. He joined University of Cumbria as a lecturer in Adult Nursing in June 2018. He teaches in the pre-registration BSc and MSc Nursing programme where he leads in modules such as Pharmacology for Nursing Students and Applied Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology. His research interest is in exploring the transition experiences of overseas trained nurses into the UK health and social care sector and higher education.He is currently pursuing a PhD in Education and Social Justice.
Qualifications and memberships
PhD(c) Education and Social Justice- Lancaster University, UK, 2026
Master of Science in Advance Practice- Cardiff University, UK 2016
Bachelor of Science in Nursing,(First Class Honours)-University of Cape Coast, Ghana, 2012
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 2020
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy; 2020
Advance HE; Certified External Examiner; 2021
Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC-UK) Registered
Member of the Royal College of Nursing
Academic and research interests
International/Overseas Nurses, Transitioning from clinical practice to academia, Intersectionality, Intepretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), Nursing Workforce Management, Transcultural Nursing, Sickle Cell Disease