Julie Mulinga
- Principal Lecturer Nursing and Midwifery
- Institute of Health
- Health and Wellbeing

- Email: julie.mulinga@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: 01524 384436
- Location: Lancaster
I am a Registered nurse. Most of my clinical experience has been working in general intensive care in a local district general hospital. I worked on this unit for 11 years, progressing to a sister’s post.
Having a keen interest in education, I then worked as a Practice Education Facilitator (PEF) supporting practice-based staff to provide high quality learning environments for healthcare students to gain competence in clinical skills whilst on placement.
I then made the move to Higher Education in 2016 when I started working with apprenticeship programmes. Initially I was a senior lecturer involved in the delivery of the FdSc Healthcare Assistant practitioner apprenticeship. I then became programme lead for the FdSc nurse associate apprenticeship (NA) from pre validation 2019 until 2021.
As Principal Lecturer in Nursing I now have responsibility for the Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship (RNDA) and top ups, NA, AP and Community Specialist Practitioner (CSP).
We work closely with a number of both NHS and non –NHS employers, both locally and nationally to provide skilled and knowledgeable practitioners to the healthcare workforce.
Qualifications and memberships
- RGN. 1993. Lakeland College of Nursing and Midwifery
- BSc (Hons) Nursing. 1999. Lancaster University
- ENB 931. Care of the Dying Patient and their Family. 1997. St.Martin’s College, Lancaster
- ENB 100. Intensive Care Nursing. 1995. University of Central Lancashire
- PGC Learning and Teaching In Higher Education. 2004. Lancaster University
- MSc Practice development: Clinical Education. 2017 University of Cumbria
- PhD Palliative Care - currently studying at Lancaster University
Member of the European Association of Palliative Care
Fellow - Advance HE sicne 2016
Academic and research interests
- Palliative/end of life care
- Chronic long term conditions
- Mentorship and student support in practice
- Involving service users/patients in the clinical assessment of student nurses in practice
- General adult nursing/acute care
- Use of simulation to enhance learning
Recent external roles
External examiner at the University of Bolton for Nurse Associate apprenticeship
During the covid pandemic I returned to clinical practice in ICU on the nursing bank
Governor at a local primary school 2015-2023 - the last 4 years as Chair of Governors
I am currently working with the EAPC to rollout and embed a simulation package for undergraduate nursing students across Europe