Karen Watson
- Principal Lecturer for Professional Development
- Education

- Email: karen.watson@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1524 384628
- Location: Lancaster
Qualifications and memberships
Masters of Arts in Education
Academic and research interests
Development of Oracy skills in Primary, Secondary
Literacy across the curriculum
Inclusion and SEN
Quality First Teaching for Learning
Leadership and Management
Co-author 'Classroom Talk' DfES/PNS Excellence and Enjoyment CPD materials (2004)
Liverpool LA 'Primary MfL Pilot project review' (2005)
Recent external roles
Fellow of Higher Education Academy
External Examiner at Oxford Brookes for PG Cert NASC /PG Cert Specific Literacy Difficulties and the MA in Advanced Educational Practice.
NW representative on the steering group for National Leadership Qualifications.