Dr Olajumoke (Jumie) Orebamjo, EdD
- Lecturer- Health and Social Care: Practice Development
- Institute of Health
- Health and Wellbeing

- Email: jumie.orebamjo@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: 01228 242843
- Location: London
Currently undertaking a professional doctrate in education with a research focus on academic experience of mature female students from minority ethnic groups in higher education.
Lecturer in Practice Development, Institute of Health. Committed lecturer with over 15 years of experience in teaching in health and social care and 15 years’ experience in community care. Currently supervise students on the Paremedic Practice: Practice Development programme. Main interest is academic experience of mature students from BAME groups in higher education. Recognised for my passion for and commitment to inclusive learning environments that ensure learning for all.
Qualifications and memberships
MSc Political Science
BA Philosophy
PGCE (Post Compulsory Education)
A1 Assessing vocational achievement
Academic and research interests
Widening participation- mature female learners from BAME groups
Inclusive learning environments
Research supervision
University of East London
Recent external roles
Practicum committee member: Department of health Sciences, Nova Southeastern University Florida (2018-2019)