Professor Lois Mansfield, PhD
- Professor of Upland Landscapes, and Director of Centre for National Parks & Protected Areas
- Institute of Science and Environment
- Centre for National Parks and Protected Areas (CNPPA)
- Geography

- Email:
- Tel: +44 (0)1539 430304
- Location: Ambleside
Current Responsibilities - Director Centre for National Parks & Protected Areas responsible for student experience, business development and stakeholder engagement. Lois continues to teach on the BSc Geography programme in the areas of rural resource management and rural economy. Recipient of a Winston Churchill Fellowship (2019) related to place-based rural development using cultural capital in Japan. She is currently writing a book, under contract, which explores the use of a multiple capitals approach to upland agriculture and its resilience. She is also research active in the area of upland agriculture as part of the Centre for National Parks & Protected Areas.
Recent Relevant Employment Experience
2019 - 2020 | Part time secondment to Lake District Partnership to design research and monitoring frameworks for the Lake District Management Plan 2020-2025 |
2018 - 2022 | Director of Ambleside Campus |
2010 - 2018 | Principal Lecturer, Department of Science, Natural Resources & Outdoor Studies |
2008 - 2010 | Quality Group Lead, School of Outdoor Studies, Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, University of Cumbria |
1998 - 2008 | 0.5 Principal Lecturer/0.5 Senior Lecturer, HE Environmental Management, The Uplands Centre, Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, UCLan and University of Cumbria |
Qualifications and memberships
Academic Qualifications
1994 - PhD Land Diversification and Environmental Management in Eastern England, Coventry University
1990 - MA Rural Studies, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
1989 - BSc(Hons) Geography (2.1), Coventry Polytechnic
Other Qualifications
2017 - Senior Fellow HEA
2001 - Advanced Health & Safety Certificate (CIEH)
1999 - Introduction to GIS
1997 - NVQ3 + TDLB D32, D33, D34 – Teaching, Learning & Development
Current Professional Affiliations & Memberships
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers, Fellow Royal Society of Arts, Churchill Fellow
Academic and research interests
Application of multiple capitals approaches to sustainable resource use
- Upland Agriculture and other land use conflicts in uplands
- Upland resource management and all its dimensions
- Ecosystem Services
- The value of field work
Research supervision
Doctoral Supervision
Ellie Evans – the application of photogrammetry to monitor visitor pressure on monuments in World Heritage Sites
Owen Morgan – the value of social and cultural capital of Hill Farming
Mauro Lanfranchi - Carbon input into UK forest soils from below and aboveground litter
Sara Iverson - Woodland expansion in the uplands of Cumbria
Journal Articles
Mansfield L (2021) ‘Japanese Forests and diversification in a traditional place-based system’ Quarterly Journal of Forestry April, p25 to 27
Mansfield L (2020) ‘Natural Capital & Ecosystem Services.’ Cumbria Magazine July p20/21.
Mansfield L (2018) ‘Brexit: the shape of things to come.’ Cumbria Magazine October p13 to 17
Mansfield L (2018) ‘Managing the Uplands: a need for a fresh approach.’ The Ecologist commentary 17th May
Mansfield L (2018) ‘The Geology of High Borrowdale.’ Conserving Lakeland Vol77 p8/9
Mansfield L (2017) ‘Upland resource management in Britain.’ Geography Vol 102(3) p141 to 153
Mansfield L (2014) ‘Upland Farming and wilding’ ECOS Vol35 3/ 4 online journal
Mansfield L & Peck F (2013) ‘Applying Fair Trade to British Upland Agriculture’ Outlook on Agriculture Vol 42/3 p29 to 50
Mansfield L, Burton R, Schwarz G, Brown KM, Convery I (2006) ‘The Heft: a multifunctional management Tool’ The International Journal of Biodiversity Science and Management Vol 2(3) p238 to 242
Mansfield L, Brown G and Martin H (2006) ‘Sustaining an upland agricultural labour force in Cumbria: the FFTS. Journal of Rural Enterprise & Management Vol 2(2) p43 to 62
Mansfield L (in prep, contracted) ‘Multiple Capitals approach to resilience in upland agricultural systems’ Routledge: London
Mansfield L (in review) ‘A critical review of the role of Natural History journals and field note books’ Charlotte Mason Institute: VA.
Mansfield L (2011) ‘Upland Agriculture and the Environment’ Badger Press: Windermere sponsored by The Nineveh Trust
Collaborative works
Mansfield L (2018) ‘Upland Resource Management: New Approaches for rural Environments Whittles Publishing: Dunbeath [collaborative elements with eight other authors – professionals and academics.] 652pp.
Book Chapters
Mansfield L (2021) ‘The Isle of Rum, Scotland: a physical geography fieldtrip for second year undergraduates studying outdoor environment, education and/or leadership’ in Wessell J (ed) ‘Experiential Learning in Geography: Experience, Evaluation, and Encounters’ Springer verlag: London
Mansfield, L. (2019). Scientific investigations in outdoor environments. In: Prince, Heather and Humberstone, Barbara, (eds.) Research methods in outdoor studies. Routledge Advances in Outdoor Studies series. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
Humberstone B., Mansfield L., Prince H (2017) ‘The Environment, Leisure and the Outdoors’ in: Piggin J, Mansfield L & Weed M ‘The Routledge of Physical Activity Policy and Practice’ Routledge: London
Mansfield L (2016) ‘Land Management and Outdoor Recreation in UK’ Chapter 30 in: Humberstone B et al ‘International Handbook of Outdoor Studies’ Routledge: London
Mansfield L (2012) ‘Hill farming identities and connections to place’ in: Convery I, Corsane G & Davis P (eds) (2012) 'Making Sense of Place: Multidisciplinary Perspectives' The Boydell Press: Woodbridge
Mansfield, L (2008) ‘The Cumbria Hill Sheep Initiative: a solution to the decline in the Upland Hill Farming Community in England?’ p161 to 184 in: Robinson G ‘Sustainable Rural Systems – Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Communities’ Ashgate: Aldershot
Burton R, Mansfield L, Schwarz G, Brown K. & Convery, I (2009) ‘Social Capital in upland Farming Systems’ in: Bonn et al ‘Drivers for Environmental change in uplands’ Routledge: London
Professional Reports
Mansfield L [main author] (2021)’ Multi capitals conceptual framework development for landscape change monitoring ‘ Key findings and proof of concept. with Motmot Consulting on behalf of Natural England: Peterborough
Mansfield L (2021) ‘‘Lake District National Park & WHS Research Framework’ LDNPA October and related chapters in Lake District Management plan on Research and Monitoring
Mansfield L (2020) ‘State of the Park Report for the Lake District: Critical Review’ LDNPA
Mansfield L (2019) ‘Valuing Cultural Capital: Place-based Rural Development for Hill Farming Opportunities from Japan’ Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, London
Mansfield L (2019) ‘Gap Analysis for Hill Farming Support Post Brexit’ on behalf of the Royal Society of Arts Food, Farming & Countryside Commission
Mansfield L (2010) ‘Farmers’ Views on Vital Uplands, Bassenthwaite Catchment, Cumbria.’ Prepared for: Natural England
Mansfield L (2010) ‘HNV Farmland in the Mountains of England’ Box 7.7 in: ‘Europe’s ecological backbone: recognising the true value of our mountains.’ European Environment Agency; Copenhagen.
Burton R., Mansfield L., Schwarz G, Brown K. & Convery I. (2004) ‘Social Capital in Hill’ Farming’ A report for the International Centre for the Uplands (DEFRA website)
Mansfield L (2005) ‘Sustaining upland agriculture in Cumbria: the Fell Farming Training
Scheme’ Looking to the Hills Issue 13 Newsletter of the Uplands Lead Co-ordination Network
Mansfield L & Martin H (2004) ‘Evaluation of the Fell Farming Traineeship Scheme’ A report for Cumbria Fells & Dales LEADER+
Conference Proceedings
Mansfield L (2015) ‘Upland Farming Landscapes and Wilding: A Cumbrian example’ Wild Thin – Wilding the British Landscape, University of Sheffield 9 to 11 September
Mansfield L (2014) ‘Rural Development: Supporting the third ‘Leg’ for sustainable Upland farming.’ p29 to 50 in: Atherden M & Wallace V ‘The Future of the Uplands: Prospects for Northern England’ PLACE: York
Mansfield L & Peck F (2012) ‘Applying Fair Trade to British upland Agriculture’ Track Proceedings of the 18th International sustainable Development Research Conference, University of Hull. 28- 30 June.
Conference Presentations
2022 ‘All things to All people – current issues for land management in the uplands’ Rural Natters series, Association for Rural Community Councils England, October 14th
2022 ‘The Value of Multidisciplinary Research for Designated Landscapes’ Alliance for Welsh Designated Landscapes, Cardiff, 27th September
2021 ‘Dispelling the Myth of upland farming marginality for the 21st Century’ Wales Real Food & Farming Conference Keynote speaker Day 2, 26 Nov.
2020 ‘Sustainable Livelihoods – thinking holistically with farm assets in National Landscapes’ Landscapes for All (National Landscapes) national conference, CNPPA October 13th
2020 ‘Cultural Capital in Rural Development: ideas from Japanese Uplands.’ Northern Real Farming Conference, online, Hexham, October 6th
2019 `Food as Cultural capital in Rural Development: comparative study between Japanese and British upland agriculture.’ Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, RGS, Kensington Gore. 27 to 29 Aug
2019 ‘Resilience in Cumbrian Hill Farming – sustainable livelihoods approach’ Commons for All, international conference, Foundation for Commonlands Ambleside
2018 Upland Sheep: a curse or a vital tool? Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference University of Cardiff 28 Aug to 31 Aug
2018 DEFRA Green Paper Consultation Event for Cumbria & NW Rheged 4 April
2018 Catholic Rural Network National Conference, Gastang, Lancashire 6 Feb
2017 Reintroduction of the Lynx and Farmers Attitudes. Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, Kensington Gore, 31 Aug to 2 Sept
2017 Uplands Farming at: ‘The Future of Upland Management’ Rose Regeneration & University of Chester May 13
2015 Upland Farming Landscapes and Wilding: A Cumbrian example’ Wild Thing, University of Sheffield 9 to 11 September
2014 ‘The Place of Upland Farming in managing Wilder Landscapes’ Wilder by Design, University of Sheffield, 11-15 May
2013 ‘Rural Development: Supporting the third ‘Leg’ for sustainable Upland farming.’ p29 to 50 ‘The Future of the Uplands: Prospects for Northern England’ PLACE, 11 October, York
2012 ‘What’s Going down in the Uplands?’ Pennine Prospects (South Pennines LEADER), Mechanics Institute, Marsden, 19 October
2012 ‘The Big Issues for Uplands in Cumbria Post 2013’ Rose Regeneration Regional Development Seminars, Ambleside, 22 February
2011 Presentation ‘Present and Future Issues for Cumbrian Farming’ Cumbria Fair and Local: Fairtrade Conference, Rheged, Penrith, Nov 2
2010 Presentation ’Community Resilience in Upland Agriculture of Cumbria.’ Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, RGS, Kensington Gore, 1-3 September
2006 Poster Presentation for International Centre for the Uplands Conference 2-6 June
2005 Paper presented at European Society Rural Sociologists Kesthely, Hungary 20-26 Aug
2004 Fell Farming Traineeship: Evaluation for FFTS Conference on behalf of LEADER+, 16 December
2004 Poster presentation, the FFTS for International Centre for the Uplands Conference, 9-10 November
2004 International Geographical Congress paper presentation ‘Sustaining Upland Agriculture in Cumbria and the FFTS’, 11-15 August
Recent external roles
Editorial Board for ‘LAND’ Special Issue of : Using the Climate Smart Communities approach to achieve Resilient Communities and Landscapes (current)
Peer Reviewing
Land Use Policy and Journal of Rural Studies
Recent grant awards
Natural England: NCEA Multiple Capitals Approach Proof of Concept for Landscape Change monitoring 2021 in collaboration with Motmot Consulting Ltd.
DEFRA: Future Farm Resilience Programme Pilot Evaluation in collaboration with Ipsos Mori
External Agency Membership & Partnership working
Farming in Protected Areas Programme, Grant Awards Panel, Lake District, 2021 to present
Cumbria LEP Rural Sector Panel Jan 2018 to present
Chair, Lake District World Heritage Technical Advisory group June 2018 to present
Key Outcome lead under Farming Forestry & climate Action management objective, Lake District Partnership plan 2021 to present
Monitoring lead, Plan Co-Ordination Group, Lake District Management 2021 to present
Board of Trustees, Europarc Atlantic Isles 2020 to present
Sustainable Agriculture Commission, Europarcs Federation current
Board of Trustees, The Armitt Museum, Ambleside 2019 to present
Churchill Trust, Grant Awards Panel for Rural Resilience, 2019 and 2023
Cumbria Fells & Dales LAG Board member 2015 to 2020
Cumbria Floods Partnership 2015 to current
Windermere Reflections HLF Board member 2011 to 2014