Sarah Green
- Senior Lecturer in Paramedic Practice / Programme Lead
- Institute of Health
- Health and Wellbeing

- Email:
- Tel: +4490)125384572
- Location: Lancaster
Senior Lecturer and programme leader within the Paramedic Practice team. Key responsibilities include programme lead for NHS and military paramedic programmes, module lead, placement lead, project lead in the Centre of Excellence for Paramedic Practice and personal tutor.
Academic background:
Currently completing my dissertation of my MSc in Practice development focusing on primary research relating to clinical leadership.
Qualifications and memberships
BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science, University of Central Lancashire (First)
Msc Practice Development (current student)
PgC Academic Practice
Paramedic Registrant, Health and Care Professions Council
College of Paramedics Member
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Academic and research interests
Academic interests:
Paramedic practice, development of professional practice, anatomy and physiology, community pathways & referral pathways, lifelong and long term conditions management, ECGs, intracultural communication styles, communication theories and practice, respiratory care, learning in practice, practice placements, mentorship, simulated learning, clinical leadership and project leading.
Research interests:
Respiratory Care Referrals specifically Asthma (Dissertation); shoulder dystocia, Interprofessional learning, technology enhanced learning, simulation, professional identity and transition, clinical leadership
Recent external roles
External Examiner
External panal member HCPC validation
End Point Assessor