Anniversary message from our Chancellor

Anniversary message from our Chancellor

Anniversary message from our Chancellor name

The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York is the Chancellor of the University. Here he provides a message on the occasion of our 10th aniversary and the official opening of the Sentamu Teaching Block.

Archbishop of York, Archbishop of York“It has always been a great joy to visit the University of Cumbria campuses particularly for graduation ceremonies. I love being able to congratulate you all in person on all that you have achieved during your time at this University and it is a joy to hear of how you are making a difference in the lives of others. This surely is what education is all about and I am deeply honoured to have my name attached to this building in a place of learning and human wellbeing and flourishing. Long may the University continue in this fine tradition.”

Lancaster campus has a new teaching block, a £9 million, 500 capacity building, complete with a 222 seater state of the art lecture theatre, chill out area and a balcony overlooking the playing fields. The new building is named the Sentamu Teaching Block in honour of our Chancellor. 

Archbishop Sentamu has been the Chancellor of our university since our inaguration in 2007. Born and brought up in Uganda, he studied Theology at Cambridge and was ordained. He has been the Archbishop of York since 2005. You can read a full biography of the Chancellor here