Dr Asangaedem Akpan
- Visiting Professor
- Institute of Health
- Health and Wellbeing

- Email: asangaedem.akpan@cumbria.ac.uk
- Tel: 07964462754
- Mobile: 07964462754
- Location: Off-Campus
Asangaedem Akpan (MBBS MRCPI MPHIL MPH PGCert FRCPI FRCP (UK) FHEA FAcadMed) graduated from the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria in 1992. He completed his residency training in the Northwest of England and was appointed a Consultant Physician in Geriatric & General (Internal) Medicine in 2005. During his residency he completed a research fellowship in geriatric medicine that led to an MPHIL from the University of Liverpool. He has been Clinical Director of a group of medical specialties in the past including a senior role in clinical governance. He believes in and practices collaborative working across traditional health and social care boundaries. For the last 5 years he has facilitated and supported the development of a very good community service for older people in Merseyside recognised regionally and cited in a national report. He has improved the wellbeing and health of the local population of older people using a population health approach which he gained knowledge of during a one year international fellowship at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement in the USA including time at Harvard University which culminated in the award of a Masters in Public Health.
He is an active member of a hub of researchers in ageing and has received research grants, has peer reviewed publications and delivers talks/tutorials/lectures. Key areas of interests are innovations in health care delivery, integrated care, population health approaches to the care of people and health outcomes that matter to people.
He tweets at @asanakpan
Qualifications and memberships
Deputy Chair British Geriatrics Society England Council
Visiting Professor, Institute of Health, University of Cumbria
Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, University of Liverpool
Consultant Geriatrician, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Ageing Specialty Research Group Lead, Clinical Research Network Northwest Coast, England
Chair Mersey British Geriatrics Society
External examiner University of Salford Masters program in Geriatric Medicine
Member of the Stakeholder Group in Ageing-Africa
Academic and research interests
Education and training of undergraduate and postgraduate health care students and professionals
Cosupervisor of PhD Students at the University of Liverpool
Lectures and tutorials on older people
Broad range of interests listed below
Care homes
Atrial fibrillation
Heart failure
Chronic kidney disease
Population health
Social epidemiology
Health equity
Quality improvement
Integrated care
Research supervision
PhD students
Medical students
Book chapters
A Akpan. Chapter 24 Treatment of the older adult. Hypertension 3rd edition. Editors Sunil Nadar 7 Gregory Lip. In press
A Akpan. Chapter 14b Urinary incontinence. Oxford Desk Reference Geriatric Medicine. Eds M Gosney, A Harper & S Conroy. July 2012 Oxford University Press.
Brenda Roe and Asangaedem Akpan. Chapter 19 Incontinence. Managing older people in primary care - a practical guide.Eds M Gosney and T Harris.2009.Oxford University Press
COVID19 and Care homes in the Liverpool City Region Policy Brief https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/media/livacuk/publicpolicyamppractice/covid-19/PB011.pdf
James Watson, Clarissa Giebel, Mark Green, Frances Darlington‐Pollock, Asan Akpan
Use of routine and cohort data globally in exploring dementia care pathways and inequalities: A systematic review 03 September 2020 https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.5419
Clarissa Giebel, Sarah Rodgers, Ben Barr, Brendan Collins, Asan Akpan, Justine Shenton, Elizabeth Fuller & Mark Gabbay, (2020) Does Social Support Affect Older Adults’ General Practitioner Attendance Rates? Findings from the North West Coast Household Health Survey, Clinical Gerontologist, DOI: 10.1080/07317115.2020.1783044
Sana Latheef Kalathil, Asangaedem Akpan. Fatigue in Older Adults. GM, 24 June 2020 https://www.gmjournal.co.uk/fatigue-in-older-adults
Giebel, C., Harvey, D., Akpan, A. et al. Reducing hospital admissions in older care home residents: a 4-year evaluation of the care home innovation Programme (CHIP). BMC Health Services Research 20, 94 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-020-4945-9
Cudejko T, Gardiner J, Akpan A & D’Aout K. Minimal footwear improves stability and physical function in middle-aged and older people compared to conventional shoes.Clinical Biomechanics, 2019.Volume 71, 139 – 145 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2019.11.005
Akpan A, Tabue-Teguo M, Fougère B. Neurocognitive Disorders: Importance of Early/Timely Detection in Daily Clinical Practice. J Alzheimer's Dis. 2019 Jun . doi:10.3233/jad-180381. PMID: 31177208.
A Akpan, C Roberts, et al. Standard Set of Health Outcome Measures for Older People. BMC Geriatrics. 2018. https://bmcgeriatr.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12877-017-0701-3
S Zhao, F Otieno, A Akpan, R Moots. Complementary and alternative medicine use in rheumatoid arthritis: Considerations for the pharmacological management of elderly patients. Drugs and Aging.2017, DOI 10.1007/s40266-017-0443-0
A Akpan, MA Gosney & JA Barrett. Factors contributing to faecal incontinence in older people and outcome of routine management in home, hospital and nursing home settings. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2007:2(1) 139 -145
A Akpan, MA Gosney & JA Barrett. Privacy for defecation and faecal incontinence in older adults. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing. 2006; 33(5):536 - 540
JA Barrett, H Pandya, V Little, P Weir, M Pritchard-Howarth, ME Barrett, R Plant, VB Owens, MJ Leathley, A Akpan, CIA Jack, C Watkins. Loss of privacy for bowel emptying after acute stroke. Continence 2004; 24(3): 6-7
J A Barrett & A Akpan. Faecal incontinence and constipation. CME Journal Geriatric Medicine 2004; 6(3):99 – 108
A Akpan, R Morgan. Oropharyngeal candidiasis in denture wearers. Geriatric Medicine 2003; 33(6): 13 - 16
A Akpan, R Morgan. Oral Candidiasis. Postgraduate Medical Journal 2002; 78:455 - 459
A Akpan. Bowel Care in Older People. Research and Practice, Age & Ageing 2004; 33:323
JA Barrett, M Bradshaw, K Hutchinson, A Akpan et al. Reduction of falls related injuries with a hospital inpatient falls programme. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2004; 52(11):1969 -1970
P Fitzsimmons, A Akpan, B Michael. Kikuchi - Fujimoto Disease as a Rare Cause of Fever of Unknown Origin in a Septuagenarian. Age & Ageing 2008; 37:233-234
B Spencer, A Akpan, D King. A rare cause of recurrent meleana in an elderly lady. Postgraduate Medical Journal 2000; 76:718
A scoping review of community holistic interventions for older people with multimorbidity
Timothy Smith, Tahera Patel, Asangaedem Akpan, Andrew Clegg, Dame Caroline Watkins, Catherine Elizabeth Lightbody and Umesh Chauhan
British Journal of General Practice 2020; 70 (suppl 1): bjgp20X711509. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp20X711509
Tomasz Cudejko, James Gardiner, Asangaedem Akpan & Kristiaan D'Août (2019) Effects of a systematic exploration of minimal footwear features on physical function, postural and dynamic stability, and perceptions of footwear in healthy older adults, Footwear Science, 11:sup1, S82-S84, DOI: 10.1080/19424280.2019.1606090
Charlie Dunmore, Lucinda Baldwin, Asan Akpan. Social Determinants and Older People Hospital Outpatient Non-Attendance, Age and Ageing, Volume 46, Issue Suppl_3, 1 September 2017, Pages iii1–iii12, https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afx145.12 (Awarded best oral presentation at the Irish Gerontological Society Meeting September 2017)
William Wareing, Asan Akpan. Providing Holistic and Equitable Access to Specialist Geriatric Medicine Expertise in a Community Setting, Age and Ageing, Volume 46, Issue Suppl_3, 1 September 2017, Pages iii13–iii59, https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afx144.61
A. Akpan, J. Banerjee, C. Roberts. Defining a Standard set of patient centred outcomes for older persons. Innovation in Aging, Volume 1, Issue suppl_1, 1 July 2017, Pages 290–291, https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igx004.1077
Otaiku O, Johnson J, Kennedy J, Snell C, Guy J, Ismail S, Rouse J, Stone K, Akpan A. Improving communication about medications in stroke patients admitted to Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS FT stroke unit, Australasian Journal in Ageing June 2013.
T Aung, T Bryne, A Akpan, A Foley, V Henderson. Are frail elderly patients admitted to an appropriate ward? Irish Journal of Medical Science, vol 178 suppl 8 2009
A Akpan, M Gosney, JA Barrett. Psychological impact of faecal incontinence on older adults. Age Ageing. 2005; 34:S2:26
A Akpan, M Gosney, JA Barrett. Faecal incontinence and mortality on acute elderly care wards. Age Ageing. 2005; 34:S2:26
A Akpan, J Evans, D Ollerhead, M Gosney, JA Barrett. Factors associated with faecal incontinence in older adults in hospital, community and nursing home settings. Age Ageing. 2005; 34:S1:30
A Akpan, J Evans, D Ollerhead, M Gosney, JA Barrett. Faecal incontinence in older adults: Resolution, non-resolution and mortality. Age Ageing. 2005; 34:S1:31
A Akpan, J Evans, D Ollerhead, M Gosney, JA Barrett. Faecal incontinence assessment – a missed opportunity. Age Ageing 2004; 33:S2:32
A Akpan, J Evans, D Ollerhead, M Gosney, JA Barrett. Privacy for defecation in older adults with faecal incontinence. Age Ageing 2004; 33:S2:31
A Akpan, R Morgan, C Turnbull.Polypharmacy and falls in the community. Age Ageing 2003; 32:S1: 17
M Pritchard-Howarth, A Akpan, S Rao, D King. Are the elderly receiving prophylaxis against endocarditis? Age Ageing 2000; 29:S2: 32
M Pritchard-Howarth, A Akpan, S Rao, D King. Doctors’ awareness of the need for endocarditis prophylaxis. Age Ageing 2000; 29:S2: 32
Health outcomes that matter to Older People 25 October 2019
Are we really representing the BGS? Experiences from the Programme Board and a call for your contributions, British Geriatrics Society Blog, July 2018
Northern Health Science Alliance and their Active & Healthy Ageing Programme, June 2018
Health outcome measures for Older People, British Geriatrics Society Blog, April 2018
Measuring up with ICHOM Part 2, British Geriatrics Society Blog, July 2016
Measuring up with ICHOM, British Geriatrics Society Blog, July 2015
Redesigning care for frail older adults – time for action. Health Foundation, October 2013