Professor Ian Convery, PhD
- Professor of Environment and Society
- Institute of Science and Environment
- Centre for National Parks and Protected Areas (CNPPA)
- Zoology

- Email:
- Tel: +44 (0) 15394 30265
- Location: Ambleside
Professor Convery has spent the last 25 years working on understanding societal interactions with, connections to, and perceptions of, the ‘natural world’. His current interests are focused on public engagement with species reintroductions and rewilding, and he is the PI on the HLF funded ‘Back on our Map’ (BOOM) multi-species reintroduction project in South Cumbria. He established and co-chairs the IUCN CEM Rewilding Thematic Group and has been a member of the IUCN World Commission for Protected Areas since 2016. Ian is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and is a Director of the Lifescapes Project conservation charity, which owns and manages the Natural Capital Laboratory in collaboration with AECOM. He has worked in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mozambique and Tanzania.
Qualifications and memberships
BSc (Hons) in Environmental Management from the University of Northumbria, an MA in Research Ethics from the Centre for Professional Ethics at Keele University, an MSc from the School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development at Newcastle University and a PhD in Politics & International Relations from Lancaster University.
Academic and research interests
Conservation and community engagement
Nature & well-being
Research supervision
Lead Supervisor
Jane Roberts - Conifers: Their ornamental use in gardens and parkland in and around Bowness-on-Windermere (1847-1914)
Sally Hawkins - Developing a method to identify barriers to and opportunities for rewilding in social-ecological systems
Ellie Kent - Community conservation & species reintroductions
David Harpley - Restoring Raised Bog with the cell bunding technique: Foulshaw Moss as a case study with reference to the wider context of bog restoration
Nassra Khan – Public Health & Environment in a Pakistani Rural Village
Team Supervision
Kerry Rowberry - Ethnography & shamanic practice
David Wright - The primitive within: An exploration of the call of the wild
Sara Iverson - Woodland expansion in the uplands of Cumbria
Neil Windett - Exploration of behavioural changes for improved health and well being
Books/Book Chapters
Nevin, O., Convery, I & Davis P (2019) Bears: A Social and Cultural History. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Convery, I & Davis P (2016) Changing Perceptions of Nature. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Convery, I, Davis P & Corsane, G. (2014) Displaced Heritage, Dealing with Disasters & Place. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Convery, I, Davis P & Corsane, G. (2012) Making Sense of Place. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Convery I (2010) Forests and Community in Post-conflict Mozambique: A Lifescapes analysis of how forest communities interact with their local environment, LAP Publishing.
Convery I., Mort M., Bailey C., & Baxter J. (2008) Animal Disease & Human Trauma. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Selected Book Chapters
Nevin, O, Davis, P. & Convery I. (2019) What is a Bear? in: Nevin, O., Convery, I & Davis P (eds.), Bears: A Social and Cultural History. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Cuyten, K. & Convery I. (2019) Bears in Captivity in: Nevin, O., Convery, I & Davis P (eds.), Bears: A Social and Cultural History. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Nevin, O., Kitchin, J. & Convery I. (2019) Individual Bear Identification in: Nevin, O., Convery, I & Davis P (eds.), Bears: A Social and Cultural History. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Elmeligi, S., Nevin, O. & Convery, I. (2019) Citizen Science and bear conservation in: Nevin, O., Convery, I & Davis P (eds.), Bears: A Social and Cultural History. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer
Elmeligi, S., Nevin, O. & Convery, I. (2019) Nature tourism and bear management in: Nevin, O., Convery, I & Davis P (eds.), Bears: A Social and Cultural History. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Ensoll, R., Towers, D., Lawton, M. and Convery, I (2018) Paddle to the sea. In: Leather, Mark, (ed.) Atmospheres & Narratives, Plymouth Marjon University, Plymouth, UK.
Roncken, P. & Convery I. (2016) Representations of nature in children’s literature in: Convery, I & Davis P (eds.), Changing Perceptions of Nature. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Elmeligi, S., Finn, S., Nevin, O. & Convery, I. (2016) Citizen Science in: Convery, I & Davis P (eds.), Changing Perceptions of Nature. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Van Maanen, E. & Convery, I. (2016) Rewilding: A New Approach to Conservation in: Convery, I & Davis P (eds.), Changing Perceptions of Nature. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Morley, R. & Convery, I. (2014) Rehabilitating Gorongosa National Park in: Convery, I & Davis P (eds.), Changing Perceptions of Nature. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Convery, I. & Dutson, T. (2012) Future Forest Landscapes: Wilding & Sustainability, in Stanturf, J. (ed.) Forest Landscape Restoration: Integrating Natural and Social Sciences. Springer.
Convery I., Bailey C., Mort M., Baxter J. (2009) Altered Lifescapes. Chapter in Döring M & Nerlich, B. (Eds.) ‘From Mayhem to Meaning’: The cultural meaning of the 2001 outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the UK. Manchester University Press.
Selected Journal Papers
Carver, S., Convery, I., Hawkins, S. Beyers, R., Eagel, A., Kun, Z, Van Maanen, E., Cao, Y., Fisher, M., Edwards, S Nelson, S., Gann, G., Shurter, S., Aguilar, K., Adrade, A., Ripple, B., Davis, J., Sinclair, T., Bekoff, M., Noss, R., Foreman, D., Pettersson, H., Root-Bernstein, M. 23, Svenning, J., Taylor, P., Wynne-Jones, S., Featherstone Watson, A., Fløjgaard, C., Stanley-Price, M., Navarro, L., Aykroyd, T., Parfitt, A., Soulé,M. (2021). Guiding principles for rewilding. Conservation Biology. In Press.
Carver, S. & Convery, I. (2021) Rewilding: time to get down off the fence? British Wildlife, Vol.33.1, January.
Andrade, A., Zambrana-Torrelio, C., Vasseur, L., Nelson, C., Carver, S. & Convery, I. (2020). Rewilding for human health. The Ecologist, 3rd July 2020
Convery, I, Stainer, S. Gere, C. & Lloyd, K. (2020) Reimagining the Lake District. The Ecologist, 27th July 2020
White, C. Eagle, A. & Convery, I. (2020) Valuing Nature. The Ecologist, 3rd July 2020
Cunningham, S., Lawton, M. & Convery I. (2020) Augmented reality forest soundscapes. The Ecologist, 3rd July 2020
Cunningham, S., Lawton, M. & Convery I. (2020) Nature soundscapes: an audio augmented reality experience. AM20
Weatherall, A. Carver, S. Fenton. L., Everitt, J. & Convery, I. (2019) Rewilding: continuing the debate. The Ecologist, 27th August 2019
Yang, R, Cao, Y, Hou, S, Peng, Q, Wang, X, Wang, F, Tseng, T, Yu, L, Carver, S and Convery, I (2020) Cost-effective priorities for the expansion of global terrestrial protected areas: Setting 2 post-2020 global and national targets. Science Advances Vol. 6 (37)
Hawkins, S.A., Brady, D., Mayhew, M., Smith, D., Lipscombe, S., White, C., Eagle, A. and Convery, I (2020) Community perspectives on the reintroduction of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) to the UK. Restoration Ecology Vol. 28 (6) 1408–1418
Hartworth, C., Richards, C., & Convery, I. (2020). Entitlements, Capabilities, and Crisis in the United Kingdom. Journal of Applied Social Science, 14(1), 40–54.
Holt, C., Nevin, O., Smith, D. & Convery, I. (2018) Environmental niche overlap between snow leopard and four prey species in Kazakhstan. Ecological Informatics, 48 . pp. 97-103.
Smith, D., Convery, I., Ramsey, A., Kouloumpis, V. (2016) An expression of multiple values: the relationship between community, landscape and natural resource. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History 3(1), p.6. DOI:
Mayhew, M., Convery, I. Armstrong, R. & Sinclair, W. (2015) Public perceptions of a white-tailed sea eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla L.) restoration program. Restoration Ecology 24: 271–279. doi:10.1111/rec.12310
Convery, I, Ballogh, R. & Carroll, R. (2015). Flooding & Schools: Experiences from the Hull Floods of 2007. Disasters, Vol. 39, pp.146-165.
Nevin, O, Swain, P. & Convery, I. (2014) Bears, People & Place Natural Areas Journal, Vol. 34, Issue 2, pp. 216-221 doi: 10.3375/043.034.0211
Taylor, D. L., Ramsey, A., Weatherall, A., Convery, I., Lawrence, A. (2013) The impacts of woodfuel harvesting on woodland butterfly biodiversity; can woodland management increase renewable energy supply and improve biodiversity. Conservation Evidence, Volume 10, pp.10-5.
Taylor, J.C., Convery, I. & Barton, E. (2013). Exploring the relationship between connectedness to nature and social connectedness in a female offending population. Applied Psychology Research, Vol.1, pp.1-15.
Lindsay, E, Convery, I., Ramsey, A, & Simmons, E (2012) Changing Place: Palm Oil & Sense of Place in Borneo. Human Geographies – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography Vol.6,pp. 45-53
Rogers, J.C., Convery, I., Simmons, E.A., Weatherall, A. (2012) What does it mean to be a friendly outsider? Critical reflection on finding a role as an action researcher with communities developing renewable energy projects. Educational Action Research Vol. 20, pp. 201-218
Rogers, J.C. Convery, I, Simmons, E.A., Weatherall, A. (2012) Social impacts of community renewable energy projects: Findings from a woodfuel case study. Energy Policy, Vol.42, pp. 239–247
Hartworth, C., Hartworth, J. & Convery, I. (2012). Knowledge Mapping & Working with Difficult to Reach Groups: Sex Work Knowledge in the City. Advances in Applied Sociology, Vol. 2, 81-88.
Convery, I., Robson, D., Long, M & Ottitsch, A. (2012) The willingness of farmers to engage with bioenergy and woody biomass production: A regional case study from Cumbria. Energy Policy, Vol. 40, pp.293-300. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2011.10.009
Cammack, P, Convery, I. & Prince, H (2011) Gardens and birdwatching: Recreation, environmental management and human-nature interaction in an everyday location. Area, Vol.43, pp.314-319.
Convery, I, Dutson, T, Soane, I & Shaw, H. (2010) Mainstreaming LEADER delivery of the RDR in Cumbria: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. 50, pp. 370-391.
Convery, I, Carroll, B & Balogh, R (2010) ‘Getting the kids back to school’: Education and the emotional geographies of the 2007 Hull Floods. Journal of Flood Risk Management. Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp 99-111.
Rogers, J., Convery, I., S., Simmons, E. & Weatherall, A. (2008) Public perceptions of community-based renewable energy projects. Energy Policy, Vol.36, pp.4217-4226.
Convery, I. & Bailey, C. (2008) After the flood: the health and social consequences of the 2005 Carlisle flood event. Journal of Flood Risk Management, Vol. 1, pp.100-109.
Convery, I. & Dutson, T. (2008) Wild Ennerdale: A cultural Landscape. Journal of Rural & Community Development. Vol. 3, No. 1. Available at:
Mort, M. Convery, I. Baxter, J. & Bailey, C. (2008) Animal disease and human trauma: the psycho-social implications of the 2001 UK Foot & Mouth Disease disaster. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. Vol. 11, 2, pp. 133-148.
Dutson, T. & Convery, I. (2007) Sense of Place and Community Development in the Northern English Uplands. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Vol. 1, pp.37-48.
Convery I. & Dutson, T. Sense of Place in Northern England. (2006) Biodiversity Science and Management. Vol. 2, pp.213-218.
Convery I. (2006) Lifescapes and Governance: The Régulo System in Central Mozambique. Journal of African Political Economy Vol. 109, pp.449-466.
Bailey C., Convery I., Baxter J. and Mort M. (2006). Different public heath geographies of the 2001 foot and mouth disease epidemic: 'citizen' versus 'professional' epidemiology. Health & Place, Vol. 12, pp.157-166
Convery I., Bailey C., Mort M., Baxter J, Death in the Wrong Place? (2005) Emotional Geographies of the UK 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease Epidemic. Journal of Rural Studies Vol. 21, pp.99–109.
Mort M., Convery I., Bailey C. & Baxter J, (2005) Psychosocial effects of the 2001 UK foot and mouth disease epidemic in a rural population: qualitative diary based study, British Medical Journal, Vol. 331, pp.1234-1237
Howorth, C., Convery, I. & O’Keefe, P. (2001). Gardening to Reduce Hazard: Urban Agriculture in Tanzania. Land Degradation and Development, Vol.12. No.3, pp. 285-291.
Howorth, C., O’Keefe, P. & Convery I. (1997) Energy Utilisation in Peri-Urban Areas: Issues of Demand. Energy for Sustainable Development: The Journal of the International Energy Initiative. Vol III, No. 5. pp.16-25.
O’Keefe, P., Kirkby, S.J., Convery, I. & Howell, D. (1997) On the Emergence of Complex Disasters. Disasters The Journal of Disaster Studies and Management, Vol 21, No.2. pp.177-180.