Spring Research in Focus
New publication for MSc Psychology Graduate
Katie Hope graduated with an MSc in Legal and Criminological Psychology in 2020 and took part in the Psychology research student volunteer scheme. As part of her final project, she completed her dissertation with Dr. Liz Bates on the topic of male victims of intimate partner violence. Specifically, Katie was exploring the lessons that could be learned from Domestic Homicide Reviews with a male victim and a female perpetrator. Katie analysed 22 of these reviews and found that there were numerous missed opportunities by health care services and police to intervene and help men escape abuse. For example, where men’s injuries were dismissed or they were incorrectly assumed to be the perpetrator of the violence. This is a ground-breaking piece of research utilising a novel source of data, Katie has just had her paper accepted for publication in the Journal Partner Abuse, with Liz, Mark Brooks OBE (Chairman of the ManKind Initiative), and Dr. Julie Taylor. The accepted paper can be found here. Katie also contributed to an upcoming publication with Liz and Julie about post-separation abuse as part of her research by volunteering for our psychology in-house scheme.
Autumn Research in Focus
Intimate Partner Violence: New perspectives in research
In 2019 Dr. Liz Bates and Dr. Julie Taylor's edited collection, Intimate Partner Violence: New perspectives in research and practice was published. This book is the first in a series, and the primary objective of the series is to raise awareness of the range of victims and perpetrators affected by violence in the home. The next two collections are due for release in 2022, Children and Adolescents’ Experiences of Violence and Abuse at Home: Current Theory, Research and Practitioner Insights and Domestic Violence Against Men and Boys: Experiences of Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence. Each collection includes work from experts in the field from across the globe, including work from colleagues and research students at the University of Cumbria. The Cumbrian specialisms are typically related to working with underrepresented groups within the literature and services, male victims, child and adolescent victims, and individuals from the LGBTQ+ community. Julie and Liz have recently joined forces with Professor Jane Callaghan from Stirling University to undertake a large-scale qualitative study seeking to identify the support needs of children who grow up in violent homes.
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