Research and knowledge exchange in the Institute of Health


The Institute of Health is reviewing and redesigning our research webpages, more information will be available soon.


In the meantime, please browse these holding pages.

Research in the Institute of Health at the University of Cumbria is interdisciplinary. We are developing new Research Hubs (in Mental Health and Inequalities, Medical Research and Urgent and emergency Care) and Special Interest Groups (relating to Allied Health Professionals, Interpersonal Violence, Nursing and Midwifery and Transformational Leadership).

Alongside these research themes we have an evaluation unit called Health and Society Knowledge Exchange or HASKE, and the Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) for the North East and North Cumbria (NENC).

If your work supports the health and wellbeing of individuals, groups and communities and you are interested in research-informed practice then please contact us to explore how we might work together, email