Stay Active in our Community
We are very grateful to all our alumni who stay active within the University of Cumbria community after graduation.
As an alumnus, you can help to raise the aspirations and graduate outcomes of our current and future students by giving back. Whether you wish to volunteer your time or talent, your support can help elevate the open day experience; your story can inspire the next generation of students and, by networking with and mentoring our students, you can improve their career prospects post-university.
We have a number of programmes for you to get involved in.
Inspire the Next Generation of Students
Become a Mentor
Join the Cumbria Network, add your ‘willing to help’ flag and reach out to others who are looking to join your industry.

Keep Us Up-to-Date
Let us know what you have been up to since graduation, appear in prospectuses, in careers materials, on the website and share your words of wisdom to help future students.

Share Your Time & Experience
Volunteer at open days, meet prospective students and their families, give talks, tours and answer questions. Drop us an email.

Nominate a Classmate
Are your classmates excelling in their career, doing amazing things for charity, supporting the university and the alumni association? We want to hear about them.

Share Your Stories

Memory Lane
Sharing your stories and memories of your happy student days helps others to reminisce, could put you in touch with lost friends and helps other alumni to find us.
Alumni blog
Do you have an idea for a blog post? Maybe you want to share a comment on a new developments in your industry, or have some top tips for life as a graduate. Drop us an email with your blog post for consideration.