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Developing partnership through third space activity

James Burch
Dr Alison Jackson
University of Cumbria

This research project was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Research and Scholarship Development Fund of the University of Cumbria.

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This small scale research project investigated models of partnership and suggests an approach to partnership between schools and HEIs based on collaborative provision, achieved through ‘Third Space activity’. In essence ‘Third Space’ suggests coming out of our normal working environment (school or university) and into a neutral ‘third space’ to design, develop and deliver teacher education with jointly shared understanding and vision.

Findings from the research give a wealth of useful perceptions concerning partnership between HEIs and schools. One of the main recommendations from the research is: As teacher education in England undergoes yet more change with the introduction of School Direct it is recommended that the philosophy within ‘working together’ through Third Space activity continues to be embraced and researched as a fundamental way of achieving excellent teacher education and training of student teachers, and hence excellent teachers of children and young people.

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