While we agree with Taylor that the “Windemere Peaks are the perfect place to cry” – yes, they are that stunning and that romantic – here are 13 reasons why there is a lot more to do than crying here in the Lakes. We say the haters don’t deserve your tears. Let’s not cry over them, let’s get busy exploring and learning new things instead. You belong right here in The Lakes with us.
Reach for the skies
Pre-hike pies, trail-mix, and walking boots are the tradition and dress code when exploring our peaks and fells. Or you can get your adrenaline rushing on our campus’ indoor climbing wall. Whichever activity you choose, make sure you finish off the experience with the traditional ‘mountain coffee’. All you need is a flask with your beverage of choice, the spectacular views are on us. Oh yes, we feel better already.
Get your feet wet
If walking or climbing isn’t your thing, you can take to the water with a range of water sports activities available to all skill levels. Open water swimming is the activity of choice for many of our Ambleside students. We have been told that cold water swimming also helps raise the mood and your immune system. True or not, we are going for a dip. Are you coming?
Ready, set, adventure race
Join our final year students and get your competitive shoes on for our annual Great Northern Adventure Race, when they paddle, swim, cycle, climb, abseil, and traverse their way through our tactical time trial.
Local races are the perfect opportunity to explore the mountains and forests and get out to see the beauty of the Lakes, not to mention secure some serious bragging rights. You can even listen to Taylor Swift’s Folklore album as your pre-game warm-up for that all-important Lake District inspiration.
Go into the woods
One tree, two trees, three trees, four... Learn about forest measurement, silviculture, and more with ou Forestry courses. Ambleside, located in the largest National Park in England and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is home to 67,671 hectares of woodland creating the perfect opportunity for hands-on learning in stunning woodland landscapes.
Write like a poet
Taylor Swift sings that our beautiful Cumbrian fells are where poets come to die but, as she found out, here is where they come to write.
Cumbria and the Lake District are the birthplaces or homes of choice to some of the UK's most famous writers including none other than children's book author and creator of the famous Peter Rabbit - Beatrix Potter, poet William Wordsworth, walking guide writer Alfred Wainwright, author and broadcaster Sir Melvyn Bragg, writer and philosopher John Ruskin, author Arthur Ransome, and writer and creator of our beloved Postman Pat - John Cunliffe. So, as a writer (or songwriter) you will be in good company.
Our stunning Lakes, twining rivers, and rolling green hills are anything but a “place to cry”. It's the place where creativity bursts forth, imagination runs wild and stories are written, told, and turned into history - or music as it turns out. And here at the University of Cumbria, we make sure our students, especially our literature and creative writing students, make the most of this heritage and our inspiring scenery.
Create a masterpiece
The Lakes has been a hotspot for the arts for centuries and, over the years, it has been a magnet for well-known and famous artists as well as writers.
From home-grown talents like landscape painter Sheila Fell (also one of our legacy graduates) and high-society portrait painter George Romney to regular visitors such as the acclaimed romantic painter William Turner and watercolourist John Ruskin, some of the great artists in British history have found inspiration here and our scenery still inspires photographers, filmmakers and fine artists today.
Recently, our campus has even been visited by the likes of Prince Charles, Vivienne Westwood, and the British Arts Council. Taylor isn’t the only one that likes to pay the Lake District a visit.
CUT! Produce a blockbuster
Both the British film industry and Hollywood have fallen in love with the Lake District. In fact, many films and documentaries have been filmed here, including Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Swallows & Amazons, Doctor Doolittle, Peter Rabbit, and the TV documentary trilogy Life of a Mountain as well as a fair share of episodes of Country File.
Being on the doorstep of one of the most beautiful film sets in the world has benefited our Film & TV and Wildlife Media students greatly as they get to be part of ongoing, active film crews and productions as well as make contacts that can benefit their careers in the long run.
Running shoes, check. Sports Massage, check.
Have you ever run a marathon? How about 10 of them? Now imagine doing 10 in ten days! Our 2nd year BSc (Hons) Sports Rehabilitation students attend the Brathay 10 in 10 event each year to support runners by running 10 marathons over 10 consecutive days. They have the opportunity to use the skills they have learnt in their degree to massage, stretch and advise the runners throughout the event. Some students have even been inspired enough to join in themselves and run some of the marathons throughout the week.
Live the dream, work the dream
What’s better than visiting the Lakes you ask?
Living here, working in tourism for Lake District businesses, and achieving your degree through our Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship, specially built for tourism in the Lake District. If you’re interested in starting your degree apprenticeship in September 2020, make sure you head over to our prestigious partner the Gilpin Hotel and Lake House’s website to find out more.
Work, work, work. Apprenticeship your way into a career
With our new Higher Level Degree Apprenticeships in Cumbria, our students can enrich their skills and expertise. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to work and thrive here? You might even bump into celebrities and see where you live mentioned in a famous song! But don’t take our word for it, Tommy will tell you all about our apprenticeships:
Code red: Major Incident Time
Throw yourself into the action in our simulated Major Incident across campus. Our CATE award-nominated Major Incident event provides an ‘as real as it gets’ scenario, teaching our forensic, paramedic , and policing students inter-professional skills and giving them the opportunity to work alongside practising members of the emergency services.
Deliver Justice
Order, order, this mock trial is now in session and we say the people who made you cry are all guilty.
Are you more Harvey Spectre or Mike Ross? Just a bit further afield in Carlisle, you can find out your law style with our fantastic mock trials in a real courtroom environment. We want you to feel ready and able to practice in your chosen career as soon as you graduate.
Join in the fun and start your own Lake District adventure
As the only UK university with a campus in a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Cumbria experience really is one of a kind. Spectacular natural wonders, a booming tourism economy, and a way of life unique to Cumbria, it’s the place where beauty meets brilliance. Find out more about our campus virtual tour.
So, you see, there is really no reason to cry in the Lakes, and once you visit you might not want to leave just like the poets in Taylor's song. And if you want to find out more then come along to our open days or book your next staycation to experience it first-hand. Don’t forget your Lake District road trip won’t be complete without a little Folklore playing.
Take the next step. Find your course through Clearing.
Stay focused. Go far. We’ve got you.
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