Lenses of Partnership
TEAN and APTE - Working together towards effective partnership
Partnership is being redefined in education; seismic shifts in the landscape of partnership are leading to questions concerning this redefinition and these questions must be addressed. On March 13th 2012, colleagues from a wide range of Higher Education Institutions in England gathered in London to debate the challenges and possibilities offered by new ways of looking at partnership. The challenge was to address notions of partnership, to contest or possibly reaffirm the lenses through which we view partnership - and the delegates certainly rose to this challenge.
TEAN, the Teacher Education Advancement Network, in collaboration with APTE, the Association for Partnership in Education asked delegates to consider present partnership relationships with a view to teasing out what new challenges are presenting themselves. Delegates considered what evidence we can share about strengths in partnership and the shared goals and beliefs which should underpin effective partnerships. At the end of the day delegates presented recommendations for ways forward. TEAN would like to thank Simon Asquith, University of Cumbria, Chair of APTE and d’Reen Struthers, Roehampton University, a member of the APTE committee, for the inspiration for the day and their invaluable help both before and on the day itself.