Part-time students pay tuition fees for the modules studied each year. As a part time student, you may still be eligible for a student loan to help cover the cost of your tuition fee.
We are here to help, please get in touch.
For queries about student finance and the payment of fees, please contact our Accounts Receivable team.
For queries about student loans, scholarships, bursaries or support funds, please contact our Money Advice team.
Paying your fees
You can pay your fees using our online payment system. Tuition fee invoices are sent electronically to students' university and personal email accounts - this must be paid in full at the start of the semester.
Make a payment - with an invoice
Make a payment - without an invoice
Tuition fee loans
Now open for applications!
Tuition fee loans are available for students studying for their first higher education qualification which is at least 25% of the intensity of the equivalent full-time course. CPD students may also be eligible for a loan based on level of study, intensity of the course and prior study.
These loans are not means-tested and you can be apply for up to the maximum amount of your fees, which is £6,935 in 2017/18. Tuition fee loans are paid directly to the university so you don’t have to worry about arranging payment.
Eligible courses include:
- a Bachelor's Degree, e.g. BA, BSc or LLB;
- a Foundation Degree (FdA, FdSc);
- a Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE);
- a Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE);
- Initial Teacher Training (ITT).
Part time students are currently not eligible to apply for a maintenance loan, however, as a part time student, you do have the opportunity to pursue part-time employment along with your studies to balance the costs. Depending on your circumstances, you may also qualify for additional support.
For more information about funding for part-time study, you can download this handy guide.
We recommend applying to your local funding body as soon as the application process opens in January/February. You do not need to have an offer of a place before you apply-just put down which university and course would be your first choice on your application. You can change this information very easily online later.
For more guidance on applying for a student loan, visit the Student Room's student finance guide.
Student Financial Regulations
The Student Financial Regulations describes your contractual obligations to the university regarding finance. It includes our policies about:
- Tuition fees and payments
- Cancellations, withdrawal from programmes and interruption of studies
- Debt management procedures
- Other fees, fines and charges
- Bursaries and scholarships
Please download and read the regulations before starting your course - Available Here