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{"available": "entirely", "availability": {"status": {"Recruiting Status 25/26":"RP 25/26","Recruiting Status 26/27":"RP 26/27","Recruiting Status 24/25":"RP 24/25"}, "dates": [{"name":"April 2025","month":"April","year":2025},{"name":"April 2026","month":"April","year":2026},{"name":"April 2024","month":"April","year":2024}]}}

Module - Absence Management HPHO6094

The aim of this module is to equip you with the knowledge and skills to be able to manage sickness absence in the workplace.

Classroom-based induction days are usually scheduled for the first week of each term prior to the module start date. If you have not studied at the University of Cumbria in the past two years, attendance at an induction day is advised. Alternatively, a web-based induction programme is available for distance learning students.

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Absence Management HPHO6094 cover image

Course Overview

The aim of this module is to equip you with the knowledge and skills to be able to manage sickness absence in the workplace.

On this course you will...

  • This module may be studied as part of the University Advanced Diploma (UAD) Occupational Health.
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Course Structure

What you will learn

An introduction will be provided to the theory and practice of sickness absence management and the role that OH plays along side other professionals in order to manage the problem. Primary research and published guidance will by used to critically explore the factors that influence sickness absence management, the evidence base from which OH advice can be provided and critically explore professional standards when applied to sickness absence management. Students will be encouraged to participate in reflective discussions and case studies.


On successful completion, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate detailed knowledge and systematic critical understanding of the causes of sickness absence and the financial implications at organisational and national levels, with reference to primary research and national survey data.
  • Have a detailed knowledge and critical understanding of the key processes used to manage sickness absence including the case management approach and the pivotal role of occupational health (OH) in managing these processes, highlighting where professional or ethical dilemmas could occur.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and application of professional standards when undertaking a sickness absence review in the context of a complex assessment.
  • Critically examine the evidence base on which OH advice is provided to managers in relation to a common cause of sickness absence, using a range of published media.

Indicative core bibliography

  • Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development-
  • Health & Safety Executive -
  • Kloss, D. (2010) Occupational Health Law 6th Edition London: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Lewis, J. & Thornbory, G. (2010) Employment Law & Occupational Health Law 2nd Edition London: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Oakley, K. (2008) Occupational Health Nursing 3rd Edition London: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Thornbory, G & Everton S (2018) Contemporary Occupational Health Practice. London: Routledge


  • Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine
  • Occupational Health
  • Occupational Health at Work
  • Personnel Today

Absence management

  • Absence management

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