We recognise staff as our greatest asset, so we aim to create a working environment which engages staff, enabling them to give their best, take pride in their work and make a real difference

We support

  • All staff of the university
  • Individuals interested in applying to work at the university

Our responsibilities

HR Excellence in Research Award

The University of Cumbria is committed to supporting and developing the careers of its researchers. The HR Research Excellence Award process provides a framework to support this and incorporates both the QAA Code of Practice for Research Degree Programmes and the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.

6 Year Progress Report - HR Excellence in Research Award

Action Plan: HR Excellence in Research Award 2022-2024

Action Plan: HR Excellence in Research Award 2020-2022


We take pride in being a community of equals. The University of Cumbria is a Disability Confident Employer. This recognises those employers who have agreed to meet certain commitments regarding the recruitment, employment, retention and career development of disabled people. 

The university is intending to submit an application for the Athena Swan Institutional Bronze Award.

Facility Time Publication

As part of the Trade Union Act 2016, we are required to publish information on trade union facility time. 

Facility Time Publication 2024

General enquiries

For all Human Resources queries, contact us via HR@cumbria.ac.uk or via (01524) 590883.

HR staff are based at our campuses in Carlisle and Lancaster and the Head of HR and OD is located at our Lancaster campus.


Head of HR and OD

Marie Knox-Davis, Head of HR and OD

Email: marie.knox-davis@cumbria.ac.uk

Phone: 01524 590915


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