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Legal Status and Statutory Information

Legal Status

The University of Cumbria is a company limited by guarantee (registered company number 06033238) and is also an exempt charity. Its correspondence address is as follows:

University of Cumbria

Fusehill Street




The University of Cumbria has due regard to the Charity Commission’s guidance on the reporting of public benefit, and particularly to its supplementary public benefit guidance on the advancement of education, in accordance with the requirements of the Office for Students as the principal regulator of English higher education institutions.

The latest Annual Report and Financial Statements chart progress for the year against the Vision and Strategy.

The University Board is the governing body of the university, which consists of 15 Directors, and has overall responsibility for the strategic direction, mission and educational character of the university. More information on the list of University Board members is available on this site. 

As well as being Trustees of the University of Cumbria, many Directors are also Trustees of other charities. Further details are provided within the Register of Interests (see below).

Registers of Interest

Members of the University Board, the Vice Chancellor's Executive and Senior Leaders' Team complete a register of interests on an annual basis. For further information, please contact the Vice Chancellor’s Office. A summary register of interests for the Board and Executive is available here.

Governance Documentation

Legal Information for Students

Students' Union

Information about the Governance of the Students' Union, including the SU Code of Practice, is available from the Students' Union website.

Freedom of Speech

In accordance with statutory requirements and general duty of care to students, staff and visitors, the university has a Freedom of Speech which has been approved by the University’s Academic Board and University Board of Directors.

The Code of Practice sets out the University’s obligations and responsibilities, together with procedures for applying its principles.

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