Research and scholarship activity underpins our core purpose which is to advance educational knowledge and practice. It informs our teaching and engagement with employers and practitioners.
Departmental Research
Members of the department have been involved in an array of activity both at an individual and group level. The scope of activity reflects a commitment to a research methodology, rather than a specific subject area which has a narrative focus at its core.
Our staff have been involved in various research projects recently, including:
- research addressing the conflicts of being a nurse and a researcher
- research on service user’s experience of crisis resolution and home treatment
- recently published articles in the Nursing Times reflecting on aspects of care and informing practice development
- co-writing of a series of eleven articles with an academic from the Netherlands, Jan van de Rakt, on the process of movement using the diagonals muscle groups generally and in relation to stroke, neurodegeneration and dementia
- an article with Jan van de Rakt on a condition called striker foot, published in December 2015 in the Italian Journal of Sports Rehabilitation and Posturology
- Action Research for the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, including the use of authentic stories to support Dementia Friends
- presenting at the National Conference: Learning from Conflict held at the Macron Stadium in Bolton (Sept 2015) ‘Getting staffing right for people with dementia: A Pilot study of an acuity and dependency tool to improve staffing levels and skill mix for inpatient dementia units'
- looking at an innovative design of an acuity and dependency scale (DADs) specifically designed for use within dementia in-patient assessment services