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Business & Management Studies (UOA17)

Discover the Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership

Through the University of Cumbria’s Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership, our research focuses on the creation of sustainable economies, regions, places and organisations, for the benefit of society. Our researchers engage globally on issues including sustainable development, partnerships and leadership, human resources management, corporate social responsibility, development of regional economies, marketing and online media, project management, and engineering.

Research Themes

Regional Economic Development

Leadership and Sustainability

Sustainable Tourism

Project and Engineering Management

Business Management


30% of our research outputs are ‘internationally excellent’ (3*)

50% of our research impact is ‘internationally excellent’ (3*)

63% of our research environment is ‘recognised internationally’ (2*)

Impact Case Studies

Our research evidences a high degree of user engagement and has generated impacts extending beyond academia. This includes collaborations with international bodies such as the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund and UNESCO, as well as regional bodies such as the Association of North East Councils and the Institute for Local Governance. We have worked with the Health and Safety Executive to design and undertake a study on loss of containment of non-radiological materials in the nuclear sector; with the EU Commission on deep adaption to climate change; and with local councils on implementing the UN’s ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ within policy and practice.

Two ‘impact case studies’ were submitted to REF2021, with details below. 

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Professor Jem Bendell's research on currency innovations has shaped global policy via the UN and local enterprise in Kenya.

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Impact Case Study 1

Our Staff Continued

Dr Hatham Besaiso - Project Management          Ron Lawson - Senior Lecturer in Leadership
Associate Professor Wilson Ozuem - Associate Professor in Digital Marketing and Innovation   Maria Mouratidou - Lecturer in HRM and Organisational Behaviour