Pamela Moorhead's Charlotte Mason Memories
‘I will never forget it. It was September 1960. I was 18, an only child brought up in Walkergate in Newcastle. When I got to Ambleside I walked up the drive in fear and trepidation.
"I loved every minute of the 3 years I spent at Charlotte Mason and cried when I had to leave, they were the best 3 years of my life."
Pam Moorhead remembers so much about that day, and her arrival at Charlotte Mason.
‘My parents didn’t have a car so I had to get the bus, and it stopped at Alston for half an hour on the way because it was such a long trip. I’d never been away from home before.
‘When I got to the college I was given a room in Beechfield Cottage. There were three of us there and we clicked straight away.
‘Angela, a farmer’s daughter from County Durham, came out when I arrived. I knew nothing about the country. A cowherd came by driving his cows and I was petrified. I’d never seen anything like that. I ran back into the house. Angela thought it was hilarious, she became my best friend.